Only joking Mike I bet you are not grumpy at all and nice to see some young blood interested in gardening jjdecay.
Brilliant PeterS :DI'm going to look up Filipendula now [img]I too have alliums and forget me nots in abundance, it's about flowers that...
Thanks bobjYours are wonderful
LOL Mike :D
bobjI have just bought a couple of small arum lillies from the Malvern flower show.Two questions if you don't mind:Can I plant them out now...
So then, if you are working class do you grow "common" brightly coloured flowers like dahlias?And middle class more unusual and expensive...
Wow this subject has certainly got people talking...I'm a very much get down and dirty gardener and can't imagine what fun there is in just...
Thanks Kandy, I think it's slightly warmer there than here at the moment but I'm taking layers just in case.
I was admiring a brighly coloured garden at the Malvern Spring show yesterday, behind me I heard this man talking about middle class gardens and...
I'm off to Tallinn in Estonia early Monday morning for three nights, should be interesting.
Have you planted your MG's out nicsdad? Because I have and I'm wondering whether it is too early :( as the slugs have demolished at least one!!!
Planted them both out today (sweet peas & morning glory).Here's hoping [img]
Thanks jjordie and was that he was doing wiseoldowl?!!I did mean wallflowers and not wildflowers not that it really matters :D
[img]My first aqualiga, looks like it's covered in greenfly!! not sure of the name but it has variagated leaves.
[img]Here is my hubby asleep amongst the wildflowers while I do the weeding!
I haven't read through all of the thread so not sure if this has been mentioned already but I have read recently that a daily anti-hystomine...
I've just read this in the paper:The saying-"ne'er cast a clout 'til May is out" refers to the mayfly which doesn't hatch until there is no...
Hi Fellow gardeners :DWhen should my sweetpeas and morning glory be planted out into the garden?What do you all do? What does the panel...
1st. Spooky by Paladin 2nd. Black daisy by roders 3rd. Spirit of the Night Woods by marley FarleyUnusual pics but really great.
1st. Iv'e pulled a mussel by glenw 2nd. Honey Bee on a Stachyums "Magpie" 3rd. The first grasshopper by MelWell done everyone ;)
Separate names with a comma.