[img]My first entry:First wallflowers of the year.
Just found out that I've got celendine growing in my lawn (only a small patch thankfully) knew it was there but didn't know what it was until this...
Thanks PalustrisThe lady that gave it to me has it growing through a small tree, she says it took a long time to get going but hers is obviously...
Hi everyoneI gave been given some of this but can't find out anything about it except i think it is winter flowering and white...Any other...
Thought I hadn't heard from any of them for ages, any reason for their departure?
LOL I don't know why I really put forward my friends names in order to get some free seeds as I should have known that they would be seeds I...
Hello fellow seed growersDoes anyone want a packet of Hollyhock seeds and foxglove seeds? they were free from T&M but I honestly don't think I...
I've sown today:Morning Glory (the white one milky way) Sweet Peas Coriander Nasturniums (milkmaid and black velvet) Wallflowers (blood red...
What age are going to retire strongy? I'm thinking of this year but I'm (only!) 54, can I afford it and will I be bored? those are the questions...
Honey Bee is your greenhouse heated? or is it just the sun shining through?Sounds lovely whatever ;)
I had about five different sorts last year in little pots, I potted them on and just planted them in the garden yesterday scattered about in the...
Fellow Gardeners [img]Does anyone use either: copper fungicide or chestnut compound for the prevention of damping off of seedlings?I didn't...
Thanks JarBax very informative [img] So when I spread the lovely compost onto my borders should I include the worms or sort them out and keep...
Oh and by the way I cut it today and edged it, doesn't look too bad either; just needs reshaping and the greenthumb man to have a look [img]
Thanks KandyflossA lady rang me today to arrange when her hubby could come and have a look, i just hope they are not too expensive; apparantly...
Thanks FranI'm getting someone to come and look at it from greenthumb, apparantly they will access my lawn and tell me what needs doing and...
Hi peepsI have loads of lovely red worms in my compost bin; my question is why do they come to the top of the bin? Is it because they don't like...
Part of a shaver?
I know shiney...What does one do about moss??!!
Hi LynneI've just had a leaflet through the door for greenthumb and was thinking about making some enquiries as my lawn is awful at the moment....
Separate names with a comma.