Booh ! I'm back :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Having a lovely day - are you? Now where shall I lurk?
Last week of October and the forsythia is coming out. So are my daffs, violets and primroses. Bob Flowerdew reckons there could be a problem...
My daft dog is getting on a bit now. She's 9 or 10, but still full of fun.[img]
Well I guess we all use GC in different ways. It would never occur to me to see whose name was at the top before asking a question, Kandy. The...
Why does anyone want to know who is on line at any particular time? The whole world can look at our photos and read our messages. You'll never...
Well that's ok then
Yes it is ticked
WF is right. The old plant names had meaning - both the popular names and the Latin.Alchemilla vulgaris is the wild Lady's Mantle and in...
My mind is boggling now!
Strainer?Plate warmer?
Not really, Rosa. I thought guests were visitors or members who were not logged in. I don't "sign in" as I am permanently logged in. I never...
Give as litle information about yourself as you possibly can on any website. None are secure and there are some real weirdos out thereHow many...
I'm losing the plot on this thread and don't understand rosa's comments about hiding from new members :confused: :confused:As for nooky...
I don't lurk so it must be magic. Dunno.Pajamas are the unsexiest things - like wearing socks in sandals ughhhh!
You know what I mean - those awful duvet things!! I just kick'em off
Welcome RWM :DHydrangeas, as their name suggests, like a lot of water. They also like soil that is moisture retentative and enriched with...
Naturtium leaves and those of ladies mantle have a strange abilitiy to repel water and turn them into globules. Don't quite know how it works...
Jewelled Leaf[img]Rain drops on nasturtium leaf
I write "Junk Mail Unwanted" on unaddressed envelopes and stuff them back in the letterbox. Hope they get the message! Royal Mail is going to...
You do need less sleep as you grow older, but I have found my sleep pattern has changed also. Can't remember when I last had 8 hours...
Separate names with a comma.