Something a tad easier than the American bridge...[img]
Three excellent pictures, Petal. I particularly like "Fallen" - excellent composition.
From your description the pests are leatherjackets. I would disagree with Lady Gardener and certainly not use armillatox. Blackbirds and...
The fungus that you are seeing is just the "fruiting" part. The fungus itself is below ground and will look like a network of fragile threads....
White fly and greenfly will suck sap from your plants and so weaken them. They can also spread viruses. The weak soap should work, but if not...
Yes there are lots of red admirals in my garden and the ivy flowers are full of them. Its the warm weather that has made the difference....
Windy.. Go to your local Citizens' Advice Bureau and also contact your local Trading Standards Office. They will give you honest advice and help...
Yes loads to come
Agree with Pete. Aphids can look orange, yellow or red. Nothing like red spider mite
Brent geese have just arrived on the Essex marshes. They have flown in from Siberia and Spitzbergen and will spend the winter with us. These are...
This is so strange!! Wild roses (unlike garden varieties) do not repeat. Yet here on the Essex coast we see flowers and hips at the same time!...
Lovely photos.. The first one on the glass is the Lacewing and should be honoured and protected by every gardener. Beautiful creature and it...
Have we seen BM's mush yet?
There are many different sorts of furry caterpillars and some are widespread.
I don't think that a grass mulch will suppress the tough weeds that you mention... You are never going to be able to dig up the roots of ground...
Would I be right in assuming that your soil in North Wales is acidic? If so you might want to add lime as well. Manure it now and if lime is...
I would guess that Paladin's hands are horny and so the hairs would not have penetrated. Be different if they brushed against soft skin...
C'mon Jack - don't be a wimp ;) Little bit of couch grass is not going to be too much for you. Dig over the soil with a fork and loosen it up....
visiting cards?
Yep - woolly bear. There are many different sorts and some of these hairy caterpillars can be really nasty. There is one just over from...
Separate names with a comma.