I echo Dendo's comment - manual working in the garden is more fun and more effective than working out in a gymn. All that pointless and boring...
They grow impossibly tall!! My neighbour has two monsters and they dwarf the local oaks and poplars. I would never plant them and they are...
Could be fun - two mutually hostile neighbours blowing leaves (or snow) on to each others hallowed turf. Multi ping-pong with clouds of leaves...
:D ;) :D
Try to contact a local natural history group or museum LOL. You will be able to enjoy them without knowing their names, but finding out what each...
Yes - its all a compromise. If we were really ecologically minded we wouldn't grow pampered plants in heated greenhouses at all....
The debate got quite comical and I have been given to understand that some folk were miffed because their ratings went down. Even heard a...
I have seen the rest of the discussion Dendo - have you? It is about the merits of various makes and power sources. My point is not.
I'm agin 'em but then I'm an unrepentant unreconstructed Luddite. I use an elecric mower and hate it.I rake leaves and pick them up with two...
And what is wrong with hand saws, axes and muscle? Boys toys indeed!
You could be right Jazid. My three wishes: Ban chainsaws, mobile phones and aircraft.
Good luck Rumple. I have gathered hornbeam seeds and acorns and am going to raise a forest in yoghurt tubs next spring. Only problem then will...
P'raps it was a piskie
Surely the advantage of bubble wrap is the still air inside the bubbles themselves. The air between the glass and the bubblewrap or poly sheets...
Quite agree Rumple. Sure - if it's not wanted then it can be seen as a weed. You can even try to get rid of it, but it'll get the best of you....
They were horrid so they went.
I leave them for the worms to pull underground where they do most good. I rake leaves from my posh lawn and leave them where they fall on the...
Horsetail aka marestail is a wonderful plant and one of the oldest land plants. Dinosaurs ate it and it is still here long after they became...
Flash "medallion man" with too much money, a 4WD and a cheesy grin.
"It is on the south bank of the Clyde just downsteam from the Dalmarnock Bridge and close to the sewage works. It has many trunks about 10 feet...
Separate names with a comma.