On Saturday around dinnertime as I was coming up the M6 around Penrith/Carlisle area I saw a hawk with a Magpie in its claws and two other magpies...
elainefiz, get one of the big glass sweetie jars and put a five pound note in it every day if you smoked 20/day. </font>1month-�£140...
Dont worry Rosa I thought I was being smart by installing two Antivirus programmes in my computer about two months after I got it [img] [img]...
Well done that man [img]
Nice one.You definitely get alot of the good jobs. But probably a few nightmares to! :D
Nice pic pete. Are the roots of your vine in a barrel,in the floor or out through the wall?
Know how you feel Fran.I havent been online since Thursday night.Logged on today and found new section that I suggested and when I looked at the...
Waoooo just back. Been away all weekend and have just noticed the new section.Had a quick skim through it and I think its spectacular. Thanks :D...
Right rant over .Sorry for hijacking your thread Honey bee .Am sure you have all heard about the man who posted an add for a wife.Must be good...
L.O.L I will give it a go and see what happens. Its a bad day when you dont learn something :D ;)
Any one care to identify them for me?
Best of all there are a lot more to come and I have no idea what colours they will be :D :confused:
OK these are slightly better (and a new colour) :D :D [img] [img] [img] [img]
Some are a little out of focus will try for better tomorrow [img]
Just to bring to the attention of all who use the forum ,Microsoft have released a major security update today, which fixes lots of problems in...
[img] [img] [img] [img]
Just an idea .Somewhere to post pics of roses for id ,reference,pests,pruning. What I think im trying to say is a seperate area for roses. What...
Ill take some pics tomorrow and post when I come home from work. Got some nice orangey yellow ones a nice yellow and what I call an old fashioned...
P.O.S. I could be wrong (if so some one tell me quick) but when roses start to bloom you should give them a good feed of phosphorous and potash...
Separate names with a comma.