John, re the cordylines, If you know roughly where they are likly to be going id be tempted to pop a couple of small ones in now. Give them this...
Sounds like some exciting times ahead.One thing to consider on the cordylines is they tend to do better longer term starting out as a smaller...
Enjoyed watching the pics John, do keep them coming as the project develops.What are the plans with the gardens?
Under Pressure - Queen Grace Under Pressure - ElbowCalculator
A while back when the government brought in the Proceeds of crime act, and various money laundering regulation the plan was for agencies to work...
Looking good Strongy. Stunning flower :)I was given a couple of Billbergia nutans plants at another forum meet up a while back. The nutans is...
hurrah, Freedom for the Kent 3 :)
Slightly dry is probably the main problem, bamboos love lots of water. There are generally very hungry plants too, so lots of feed too. chicken...
Just come back to this, really love the greenhouse Freddy.My green house has just had some rather nice staging built by my dad, we had...
Following on from what is your ideal car...What was the first car you owned/drove?As a child of the 70s I learnt to drive in the early...
Welcome to GC :D
Hi Welcome on board
I have several young plants of tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' that im selling for £10 each plus p+p. They will be available shortly - they have just...
Nice sized space. A good mow of the grass and it will imediately look a lot better and more cared for.Try and work out a plan even if it...
Hanging in suspense for the next installment John..... :DGaz
Hi Laura welcome :)
Welcome on board :D
Welcome on board
Really starting to take shape, cant wait for the next bits, not too long i hope
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