i would use a saw. Are you sure its squelchy all the way to the ground? Might be worth chopping it a bit at a time in case there is anything good...
Hey Walnut, I had posted some photos here http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/lamorran-cornwall-21235.htmland a load more in...
We tend to have a week each year in St Ives. Last year was the first time I had been to Tresco, but loved it, by far the most amazing garden I...
It sounds like you have lost the stem from last year. But even small plants will sucker again. Well worth waiting a bit longer yet. One of my...
Persicaria is nice and easy from cuttings, so well worth increasing your stock :DDont give up on the banana just yet, all of mine were cut to...
Another series of photos that I have just got round to uploading to Webshots (can anyone see a theme here).Tresco is the second largest of the...
Try not to miss Lamorran, my personal favourite on the mainland
Probably my favourite garden on mainland Cornwall (so Far) is Lamorran. Another one I have finally got round to uploading to Webshots. Im really...
All of my basjoo were cut to the ground, Some suckers have started already, but nothing much. Give it more time.
If you are able to pop the canna out of the pot you can check for signs of life. If its still firm and has some 'pink' bits starting then its...
Looks tatty, but id say its probably alive. Does the centre look ok - are there small new leaves emerging?
Palms generally hate getting their roots frozen, so potted ones should ideally be give some protection, or moved to a frost free place.The...
Not always on holiday Pete, but we do try and get away as often as we can :D
We have recently returned from a holiday in the Dominican Republic, staying about 8km from Puerto Plata.Just on the outskirts of Puerto Plata...
Id watch what they do and then ignore it and fine out the correct way to do something :D
With our new pond I am creating a smaller header pond with a waterfall into the lower pond via an overhanging piece of stone.How would you...
Looking good, cant wait to see what happens next :D
Its been a cold winter this year, so really looking forward to spring. It will be interesting to see which of the more tender tropicals have made...
When you said it had been left out too long, did it get frosted?
Welcome on board :D
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