I wouldnt prune, grandiflora is a slow grower, and needs warmish summers to ripen the wood.I know of people who have a lot of trouble trying...
I would be tempted to simply dig the lawn over, cover with a weed membrane and then the gravel, rather than use a weed killer on it. Lift it as...
Not signed.I prefer the Beeb to have more free reign and to avoid having to get money in from Adverts. yes they have other souces of funds,...
If you leave a decent sized stump, then dig round the base of the conifer you can sever the main roots and use the trunk as a lever to rock it...
Hi Suzie, welcome on board
Hi Shobhna, sorry missed your message.CGF is Cotswold Garden Flowers - which despite its rather cutesy name is a superb place for, in...
I would leave it a while longer yet. There is still some space before it hits the ceiling. Then maybe trim of of the taller branches first, let...
I bought one like that on ebay for a tenner. If its too big for your house it will be too big for most peoples.Mine was stuck in the garden in...
CGF is a real gem of a place. Ive only been a couple of times, the first was in a group visit and there were about 10 cars!!! (for those who...
Welcome on board
Welcome on board captain :)
Hi, welcome to GC :)
Pick away and welcome on board :)
Welcome to a very friendly forum
Hi, welcome on board
Take some time to identify the plants worth keeping (if any) too many people wipe everything out and end up with a baren slash and burn landscape....
Did you make it to the Akamba open weekend, with the BBQ and steal band a week or so back?
Thanks Paladin, next time we are planning on going over that way ill let you know. CGF isnt far either or even Akamba, so yo have some great...
Hi Jaz, welcome on board :D
That looks like damage as the new leaves were forming, rather than something chomping on the unfurled leaves, did you notice if they started our...
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