Got my 4th and final pumpkin planted this morning, I'll take some photo's tomorrow.I have to cull/cut one tomorrow also...painful times !...
Hi Snowbaby,Pumpkin plants vine out, the giants we grow on this topic can grow vines well over 20ft long, other more normal and smaller...
Nice one John, anyone else planted out yet?Steve...:)
A day was spent firstly applying "anti hotspot tape" to the hoops then to any other areas with sharp corners and or edges (Timber corners of the...
I got the pumpkin tunnels up this week and planted (not that you can see them!)[IMG]Steve...:)
I got the side and base rails fitted yesterday, these add extra rigidity to the overall structure and they are also a fitting point for the...
I see many gardeners on our allotment site using slug pellets wrongly, that is because I read something a few years ago that changed how I used...
Over the last few days I have started work on my new polytunnel, starting with foundation tubes for the hoops. Each foundation tube is 32 in long...
Thanks you for the many varied replies.I've used avon skin so soft for many years myself, as a is very well known in this country...
Has anybody here used these things before, do they work?Apparently they are 100% deet, can anyone advise?Many thanks.Steve...:)
and..Have you sown your marrow seeds yet, as I have some with pedigree that I will not use if you want them.Steve...:)
I see you already have plans as to how to use the environmesh, but I thought you might like to see something I made and still use today. Made from...
As the title the BBC are planning to axe the 11,000 recipes from it's website, they will be gone for good once done.Its been in the news this...
In fairness, the article does state dry on WAX paper so I guess they wont stick to that. But I have done the same as you scrungee for the last few...
Is this the link silu?
5 days is good John, 6 days is my best so far..Scrungee is turbo charged !Steve...:)
Working for me..Steve...:pu_mp:
You how sometimes things make you roar with laughter all of a sudden? Well I just read the above comment whilst drinking my coffee, now I have...
Look at entry number 7 on this page;)
Courgettes and Squashes are warm weather plants and need just that, I would suggest that they need a minimum temperature of 10 degrees C.What I...
Separate names with a comma.