Yes she is lovely, isn't she @BeeHappy? I don't have room for her here but have fond memories from childhood of the one growing over my...
I'm sorry you've lost them all but you've done the right thing - it is very hard to get rid of the mites once they have made themselves at home....
Should you fancy a climbing rose Mermaid is a beauty, flowering continuously over an exceptionally long period in my experience. Single yellow...
Looks like a Virginia Creeper: Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia creeper/RHS Gardening Beautiful colouring at this time at this time of the...
Any time up to mid-October would be fine, I should say, provided that a) the soil still feels warm enough for the seeds to germinate* and b) you...
Thank you @Verdun. Sounds like a good plan! It was an unexpected present - not something I'd've chosen for myself, and I rather struggled to find...
This reassures me! I have a Midwinter Fire cornus, planted last winter, and regularly worry that the leaves are drooping and it looks a bit sorry...
I'm a bit of a tightwad myself so wouldn't want to pay out £36 a year for such a service when I can access many other gardening books and websites...
Yes, bulbs I have bought from them have consistently been of good quality. Their offer changes every week and hopefully will include more bulbs...
It's good to see them back in the shops if not in my small garden*. Both my local Asda and Lidl are actually quite adventurous about stocking...
Roses, of course - great for cutting and they love a clay soil. Just the time to be ordering bareroot specimens, then you can put them in this...
Yesterday's first froggy visitor in the new pond. He spent a good hour exploring and just chilling before leaving, I hope to tell his friends all...
If it was me I think I would take out the slabs nearest the wall, improve the soil a bit, and put in a nice climber. Maybe a rose? Some don't...
Over the last few days I've been messing around with my new pond, very much on a budget. Bought some marginal plants and baskets off ebay, so I...
Other way round for me - I don't have a car so a compost bin is definitely more convenient. One thing I would say, I started out with one 'dalek'...
Yes, MYOB is present elsewhere in the garden and probably planning a takeover even now! I actually don't mind seeing the edges, at least for the...
Update: I have now revamped the pond! Thank you all for your encouragement and practical advice - I might not have tackled it without that....
It's going to be great!:spinning:
When you say 'tilling over' what do you mean exactly? (Sounds more agricultural than horticultural, - I associate it with ploughing with a...
Welcome @Faerie Gardener! My garden's east-facing too. Have you had yours long? If it's new to you, I'd say don't rush in and try to do too...
Separate names with a comma.