Clueless, I haven't been around for a few months and didn't realise half of what you've been going through lately. Just wanted to add my positive...
Thanks for the replies.Problem solved I think, I looked at the plant label and it says Cyclamen Shy & Retiring. Aww bless.GG
Ah perhaps you are right. My mistake no doubt. I bought them from the same nursery as usual and obviously didn't check properly. Does that...
Val I have used those brushes but only when I had a temporary molar crown and my dentist advised me to use them in a tiny temporary gap that was...
That Listerine stuff (and its spawn in various lurid colours) is vile and I think unnecessary for daily oral care. I think it is yet another...
Thanks Kandy, I braved the chill and took a couple of snaps (taken with my phone so not the best quality) trying to show both the top and the corm...
I usually put some Cyclamen Coum in some troughs in front of the house for some winter cheeriness and they do well. This year however they...
Agree both lovely veg. In a potato, chickpea coconut creamy curry. Either kale (chopped quite fine) or chard stirred in for the last 5 minutes of...
Not sure if this has been already posted, but this will be welcome news for many, Crimson Blush. Bit pricey and will be available from Suttons it...
Well, to be honest I think I may have soured the atmosphere with my opening gambit which was to tell him I am vegetarian. Talk about, if looks...
Thanks for all the tips, as well as for the stuffing. I shall definitely incorporate some of the ideas on the day. I have some family staying a...
I volunteer at the local food bank but I also give when there is a food drive on at the supermarket.There is a lot of misinformation about,...
Thanks for all the replies, really useful.The crown idea wouldn't work as I know that my brother is mad about the leg and I want to do it like I...
Thanks Val, somehow a picture really helps with these things. I noticed that the top 1/3rd was going yellowy and looked on the internet and...
Hello All,Christmas is at ours this year so family and friends coming. We don't eat meat but I want to cook a nice turkey for the majority of...
Thanks for that @Spruce and @pete I shall tend it carefully and hope for the best. And thanks for the nice sentiment, yes I have been MIA for a...
Thanks longk, I'll just tidy up the last withering flowers and wait to see what happens as you suggest. So far the plant in general looks very...
Hello AllI've had a moth orchid since the spring and it has flowered very well. First time I've had one. The flowers have now wilted (end of...
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