Unfortunately I would say its going to be an ongoing cost which will be a lot more than £100 due to repeat visits but see how the meeting goes on...
A lot of issues were caused by councils composting green waste and selling it on and a good example was the spread of Japanese Knotweed in the...
Oh dear, you will need more than 3 treatments on that.Here’s a link that may help you understand a bit more and you will notice they don’t...
Granular iron based feeds with iron never work as fast as liquid based iron. I too would be cautious about scarifying as the weather may turn...
Thanks Andrew, no worries. Online sales should now demonstrate its covered under the pesticide act and if purchased over the counter they should...
oh dear, its beyond saving I'm afraid. I would however as you have a chance to see, lift off a bit of turf and see whats its laid on. Chances are...
Depitox is a pro chemical and not for domestic use so I will leave any comments on that.You are better off using a domestic weed and feed that...
As shiney pointed out thats not ideal for mares. There was a product called Kurtail but now thats been removed and they do another with the same...
Is it a petrol or electric?Try to do the lawns at the weekend to defuse the situation. If it’s a one off then ok but try to keep to weekends to...
I would hate to be a delivery driver, I know my local DPD drivers and they are great but they expect them to deliver at all times in all weathers.
The trouble is if you plan to weed kill and it’s the normal glyphosate and you are starting to clear next week it’s best to target the areas that...
That’s the way to do it It’s really down to making sure you water enough for the conditions. You can put too much on but our old lawns are not...
Water daily, it’s how I look after my companions lawn and never had an issue and it’s the same with new turf, seedlings. I recommend this to all...
Water daily is the only way to keep the grass from fading. Early morning and evening when it’s at it’s coolest. Once or twice daily depending...
It’s patchy probably due to the fertiliser not being applied at an even rate at the recommended does. Not a problem, it can be sorted. As the lawn...
How’s the lawn looking now?
I was surprised too, I think it’s also got a larger fuel tank. Next time I’m over at RTM I’ll ask the guys in the work shop their thoughts.
they have just released a honda version the same as my old etesia 46 the handle is different, single or push and looks like a larger grass box but...
The reason why golf greens need more water, hence the use in the day is that they have a high sand content and a shallow soil content over the...
They have issues, the good news is they are good on spares, Ive a Deere 43rve and the Briggs engine is not the best and the handle design is damn...
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