Hmmm...maybe more? I find with a rolly you get your fix and your 'happy' for a good while. If I ever get a pack of cigs they get smoked pretty...
hmmm...something for me to think on. :)
Thanks Kristen. I don't birds are keen on it are they?
The wildflower patch at the back of the veg plot, got some bonus wheat on the left too, guess it was chucked in with the wildflower mix (should I...
How about an 'Escape from New York' style place to chuck them all in? Who's gonna be Snake Pliskin? :snork:
...8 minutes! Impressive stuff! Tokyo is great and I'd love to go back, mostly to buy Asahi...
I'm guessing Edward as the name. ...or Akbar
Can't vote, I've always smoked rolls (Golden Virginia) from when I started. Sometimes I can get 50g for £5 off a Navy friend of mine so price...
I'm growing the one you gave me Loli, it flowered the other day. But for some reason none of my chilli's are really doing anything to be honest....
how dare you! :biggrin:
Just been home and it look's like I've got 5 or 6 secondary roots going now! Chuffed Good stuff:
aaaah...probably should've done that! Thanks Richard.:snork:
Why have you tied up the flower? Is it to stop water getting in incase of rot? To stop other pollinators getting in?
From what I've read it's to stop the sun drying the skin out which would hinder the fruit's ability to expand and may also cause it to split.
Well that's the first third of it done: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Planted some Sunflowers, Nasturtiums and a dark-leafed Weigela. Also built a little...
Don't be horrible! haha.
I assume we'll start seeing them for sale in shops etc soon. Haven't seen any yet though.
Did you learn nothing from 'Honey I Shrunk the Kids'? [ATTACH]
Mrs nFrost loves Dill, is it a perennial you have there? Does any one where I could get one please?
I've recently planted out some sunflower seedlings about half a foot high, they looked really sad for a few days but they get a good soaking every...
Separate names with a comma.