@Papi Jo Stunning knuckles of the ferns (AKA bertrand-mabel in GW)
Interesting about the pond snails @Dovefromabove we haven't seen any for years. Don't know why.
@Greybelle We have had similar issues over the years. We have tried hanging old CDs so that the swing and reflect the light, hung old white sheets...
We have 8 white grape vines growing up supports and a pergola. 6 of them have been in situ now for nearly 30 years! 2 were replaced with vines...
[ATTACH] Anemone blanda [ATTACH] Clematis armandii [ATTACH] Daphne bholua [ATTACH] Primula vulgaris
We don't have ducks in our pond but we do have terrible problems with duckweed. Any suggestions on how to curtail it? Many thanks.
Not the same but we planted out some Darlingtonia californica (Cobra lily) next to our pond in a boggy area. They were planted out in 2009 and...
Our insectivorous plants are coming into flower with their new pitchers developing. Our orchids are doing well and giving us many weeks of...
Our Rosemary grew very very large in our outdoor herb area. Died last year so have just put a new one in a different area. Basil....never been...
Agree..stunning photos @Sheps. So amazing moths.
If at all possible orchids prefer rain water and standing them on a gravel tray will help with the humidity which they like.
@Nigel2 Arisarum proboscidium. Wonderful plant but ours are only just in leaf, no signs of flowers yet. Haven't noticed this plant elsewhere for a...
We had Daphne odora for many many years in the ground until 3 years when it had had enough. Leaves falling off and little flowering and then dead....
We saw our first brimstone butterfly yesterday and then again today. Numerous bees and then a peacock, comma and speckled wood butterflies. No...
Well against all...we have never been able to keep them. Had some from our village garden group decades ago (white) and they flowered but never...
Doesn't count as a lawn but did the first cut of the paths in the orchard. Grass really lush so cut high. Our "lawn" is really a wildflower one...
Our blandas are brilliant. Love the way when the sun gets to them they open fully. We don't mind that they migrate because they are so lovely in...
Separate names with a comma.