Sound advice, but in all honesty I have never in my career come across, certain roses flowering on whatever years growth. No offence.What can...
Who am I to disagree????????????????????????????????????
Hello Cassie.I love trees. Perhaps, psycologically. I feel that they put me in my place. More to follow. Cassie it is obvious from the...
Big welcome to GC.
Hi Sheal. That reminds me of my working days. An elderly labourer greeted me on morning. Mick, Mick, they're back. He was of course talking...
Poor nights sleep last night. This is always the same if I have an appointment the nextday. Checking the time, each hour. Ceiling fan and...
Totally agree with Shiney. Prices are stupid. I moved into this council flat with garden in 1964. I can't remember what the rent was, my salary...
Check. Saw-fly larva.
Charcoal (Biochar) can be beneficial for the garden. It helps retain moisture and prevent leaching of various nutrients from the soil. It can...
Welcome James.'Topsoil' basically is just that. Sadly so much soil is sold, even given away free, under that heading. So one needs to be...
6.8.20 22.51 hrs. Kitchen temp, with cieling fan on 78 deg F. Sitting room with portable a/c still very warm. My bedroom that has a sloping...
Living one floor up. The view from the kitchen window reveals much. Apart from the terrible state of downstairs garden.....TIP.My very tall...
So much for 'A European 'UNION'
This morning, at 5.30, I sat on a bench on the patio to have a cup of hot water and the male blackbird came and sat on the bench and chatted to me...
Black Orchid, may I offer my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for you sharing these photos. I feel that I have to, as it were, come clean. To...
Daughter Amanda phoned me this evening. She has got an online slot at Tesco. Things are on the up & up. Now. All slots are the same. No...
Cut & pasted from the net.Use a soft cloth to remove oil and surface dirt with any suitable mild cleaner such as dishwashing liquid. Do not use...
I read somewhere recently that. Mrs Merkel is/has predicted the total break up of the EU in the very near future.
Prune. Early Spring or Mid Summer.Unlike pruning fruit such as apples and pears where you prune to flower/fruit buds, plums basically require a...
This disaster in Lebannom should never have happened. Often when mentioning chemicals of any kind, that gardeners may use. I always suggest...
Separate names with a comma.