I thank my Hon. Friend. Whilst striving to remain politically neutral. I have to admit. During the present life span of the said EU. I have...
Sorry Purple Streaks but I know very little about these plants.One day last summer, I was doing some research at Kew. Along came a group of...
I have to say. I really do feel for our friend. I have no idea asto her age or health conditions. Nevertheless generally speaking, I would not...
To be honest. I can't say I have ever seen what might appear as a healthy plum tree. Possibly due to the texture of the leaves. Any ways. The...
Interesting subject. What a pong! I have always noticed that rotting potatos stink to high heaven like acrid pee. Thankfully I don't do...
Somehow it would't surprise me if the EU didn't break up. As I have seen it. Britain has been the main one for standing their ground. Also...
Nitromores used to be a good paint stripper.
Dahlias appear to be listed as singles, doubles, medium decorative, large decorative and giant decorative. Then the individual name. Have you...
Prior to this Covd thing. I picked up a medical product from the general display. I couldn't believe the price tag. About twelve paces from...
A few years ago when climate change hit the headlines, suggestions were gathering momentum for us to perhaps concentrate on growing mediterranean...
How are you at giving old antique bodies a brush down and a quick respray:yahoo::yahoo:
With due respects. I consider Nigel to be well up with these plants.
Something of a strange bunch are Coleus. There is a mixture of of some 150 varieties which include,half-hardy annuals, perennials and sub-shrubs....
It really gets to me. For ages you have been using some computer program or whatever, and or some modern system. Then suddenly the screen is...
I believe most of todays paints/fence treatments are harmless to plants etc.
Concerning plants in containers, a few basic points to consider. Watering, feeding,positioning the container, protecting the container from...
Surely the easiest way to find out is give the whatever, a squeeze between finger and thumb.
The Powers to be, are inviting problems
Of course.
Separate names with a comma.