My referral to that section of insurance policies. Simply directed folks to make use of it, so as to gain legal advice to whatever problem.
May I in some way attempt to bring some kind of closure to this situation. There can be no doubt that this whole matter is a very serious...
Hi Purple Streaks. Sorry. I doubt very much if any such insurance company exists.
That's it. Don't give them what they want. So why should anyone who is, for whatever reason, valid or not. Whilst being the victim, as in this...
According to Weedaway, she already has a solicitor and a barrister. Forgive the expression but, from what she tells us, they are crap.
IMHO There appears to be more to this matter than meets the eye. In principle it seems you are the guilty party. How or why your legal team seem...
Have you has a word with your local councillor or better stil, your MP?
Perhaps it will appear as a feature article in the Dialy whatsit.
I have a hospital appointment for Tues. 1.Sept for a CT scan. Ifound the letter. Also I found the letter from the consultant to my GP. I had...
Returning to the photo of the offender climbing the fence. Just a legal quirk. The fence actually appears to be his. Following on from my...
Firstly. I am not a fruit grower. I would be inclined to destroy/burn leaves and fruits, to avoid and spread of the problems. Then turn my...
Been there. Done that John.I received today 5 of those arial layering thingies. Much larger than I pictured. Never mind. I have failed each...
Raining most of the day. At least the shrubs and roses will enjoy it. This evening, I watched Gardeners World on TV. Something I seldom do....
I am not a sweet tooth person or a cake/pastry eater, but I have to say. Comparing shop bought to home made. I prefer the home made. Keep up...
Over recent years the law of trespass has changed and to many it may appear to have been done away with. However there are in law what are termed...
Best wishes.
Perhaps I have mentioned this before. I use a lot of JA Bowers MPC. Homebase are selling it at 8.25 per 120 ltr bale. I want at least 10 bales,...
There's nowt so strange as folk. Perhaps it's similar to. Why do people climb mountains. Once my next door neighbour came into my garden....
Separate names with a comma.