You could keep them in that overnight instead of in the house, and just bring in if any frost is forecast. Make sure to feed them as dahlias...
Sorry to hear your sad news @Gogs, you and your family will be in my thoughts. X
Primrose which went from 1 plant to 8 in 12 months, young acer 'Katsura' has fully leafed out in the greenhouse, hellebore gift divided last year...
Yes by then they will be sturdy plants and frosts should be over. I would put them out in the daytime from mid/late April onwards to get them used...
P.s. Don't feel hopeless!!! I'm sure you are doing fine. If your dahlia does rot I'll send you a little replacement in the post. :spinning: Make...
Lift the pots, unless they feel extremely light then they have enough moisture in there to get them going.
Don't let them become bone dry but I wouldn't water until you see shoots at the soil surface, especially with the dahlia as it may rot.
Looks lovely, what a stunning hellebore.
Try Dr hessyon's 'the lawn expert'..very helpful book and you could get one for a couple of pounds on Amazon. Welcome. :spinning:
Speaking of wire, you will probably need to tie in the hollyhock flower spikes to your fence woo, mine were a bit floppy last year. The plants...
Thank you so much for the advice @wiseowl, I knew you'd have wise words to calm me down.:phew: I have watered them (woops) but only a couple of...
I had an hour or so after a day out so planted out my new centaurea and kniphofia. Potted on geranium eureka blue and did a half hearted attempt...
That's crazy, I went to that nursery today! I would be happy to get you a Barton fever and post it to you if you like?
Came across this place today, all I can say is WOW! @longk you would love it, loads of really rare pernnials with interesting looking flowers....
I got 5 new perennials today from an amazing local nursery. I will post a separate thread about it as it really deserves a visit. Astrantia jumble...
Hello. I bought 2 roses bare root from thompson and morgan called blue for you in January. Planted them a few days later, soil was enriched, they...
Thanks I'll have a look in the morning.
I've bought from both them and seekay horticultural supplies and both were good value for money.
I spent some time turning over and breaking down the soil in the beds, removing small weeds as I went. The texture is looking good for direct sown...
I just got a super 7 too, it looks great. Soil getting up to temp for sowing in the morning.
Separate names with a comma.