Productive day until rain stopped play. Mainly more sorting and tidying - I wish it would stay dry long enough for the patio to dry out so I can...
It should hold up ok - fresh catnip isn't as appealing to cats as the dried/concentrated stuff. They like it, but don't go completely potty over...
Many thanks for the list @Verdun; I love the actea, never come across them before. I thought it would be too much shade for japanese anemones,...
I have a smallish (<1m square) bed next to the main garden steps. It's very sheltered, with the wall behind it and a tree canopy above - dappled...
Sounds like the cat isn't earning it's keep @shiney!Small bit of seed-sowing this afternoon - trying coreopsis, guara and silene for the first...
I've seen a few postmen out and about. They have all been wearing shorts, and looking far too cheerful about it.
Welcome @Tom Fisher ! I've got a fair few seedlings/young perennials tucked up in my coldframe at the moment. Hopefully as the others say yours...
Been coming down steadily here all morning, much to the confusion of the chickens.[ATTACH][ATTACH]
It was meant as one, I promise! I think he has a lovely voice - very calm and reassuring :)
No snow here but bitterly cold. Remembered one of my potted fuschias, "Rivendell", isn't hardy, so have moved that inside to join the collection...
A few flurries here but nothing of note yet - apparently it's hitting us properly tonight, but we'll see. Not had proper thick snow in the city...
Not much in Bristol but hit a blizzard driving back from Devon earlier this evening, on the M5 and everyone suddenly went down to 30mph! It was...
Finished sifting compost with my new gadget - £35 and very sturdy, highly recommend it, made the job so much easier![ATTACH]Spread the end...
Some very keen hostas have popped up this week; given the weather forecast for next week I think they're going to regret it! I'm assuming/hoping...
Cleared the mess from last weeks buddleia pruning adventures; vague attempts to burn it came to nothing - just too green I think, and no space to...
I'm afraid I'm still fighting the brambles in my garden @SunWorshiper , though on a much smaller scale to when I first started! I dug up as much...
Thanks @Verdun - the gravel stones are sightly larger than I would have ideally liked, but it was £7 a bag cheaper than the proper alpine stuff so...
Sunny afternoon here with only occasional earthquakes (!) so finished laying out the alpine bed and started to arrage the few plants I have for it...
Hi @SunWorshiper and welcome! Agree with what the others have said about doing it bit by bit; I would start with the section nearest the house...
Take it steady, @wiseowl ! I had to carry a similar quantity of turf over a similar distance last spring - from the road, up two flights of stone...
Separate names with a comma.