The first three images were captured at approx 0600 in the morning,..of late it was too warm to walk Foxy Molly once the sun rose, its rain...
Better late than never,..this white geranium has only bloomed in the last few days where as all the others have started blooming over a month ago....
@Victoria ,..made a search to check on that Aloe Candelabra 'Aloe arborescens',..its just the difference between your image and mine is,..young...
Secured the Tigridia pavonia,.. Mexican Shell Flower/Tiger Lily as it was about to flower,..sure enough next day early in the morning there was...
Hi Vicky,..thats huge,..mine is still in its infancy, has the serrated foliage but not as dense as the image above,..i must investigate...
Beautiful display :wow:
Thanks Vicky,..he and his wife put on a good display during the Spring and Summer,..apart from the boat they have the wildflower area and look...
One cutting i have is making me think its the wrong plant for my garden,..because of its eventual size and spread, easy to grow and blooms in...
Thanks for that link Vicky,..very interesting,..its given me some new ideas for plant growing when we have warm weather, the days of late...
Your Mum was very nice to seem pleased at the effort you and your sister went to make homemade perfume instead of putting you both off at the end...
The second image plant looks healthy,..sometimes when one moves Foxgloves they don't like the move, to what's eating the ones planted directly...
Goats Beard 'Arancus dioicus' [ATTACH]Ragworth 'Senecio jacobaea' [ATTACH]Looks beautiful when in a huge plant but poisonus to Cattle and...
Lovely images Woo,..a very healthy looking crop and a nice walk through i bet :)
Most have,.. though nothing like the Rose (Rosa 'Korresia') it wafts its scent all over the garden,..i now have three of those from cuttings.
Hi Vicky,..the hosed down area looks fantastic, night as well,..sitting here i am thinking does Vicky really want that lantern fixed?,..or a...
Me as well Vicky,..i have NEW reading glasses :) and as i study each image you post,..the glasses are enlightning :whistle:
Rose (Rosa 'Korresia') [ATTACH][ATTACH]All below are No ID's.[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]...
Hi Vicky,..i didn't know either :dunno:,..mine would die from thirst under those conditions in Morocco.
Vicky i am sure its this image :wub2: :). [ATTACH]
All in bloom now. Rose ( Rosa 'Reine des Violettes' ) [ATTACH][ATTACH]Looks like just one rose bloom,..until next day. [ATTACH]...
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