What! After years of tender care, nurturing it, protecting it, only to take a saw to it! It'd be like beheading one of your children, lol.
Trachys are all over the place up here too, and I'm in Lancashire! I know of one magnificent specimen in particular in Ramsbottom, it must be 15ft...
Thanks for clearing that up. Also, I believe the purply pink varieties, although beautiful, are not as hardy as the green ones?What outside...
I always thought that Cordylines would produce a single trunk. You see loads of them about like that. But also, as with yours, they split into...
Lol, I'm not surprised you get growth like that in the south of France!Tropical species of plants/trees, the hardy varieties of course, are...
I have young cordylines and chamaerops but the one I really want, and as mentioned, the more true looking palm, is the trachycarpus. These things...
It does flower very well but it's season long foliage always seems quite sparse and the leaves seem small when I compare them to other local...
Our back garden gentle slopes down to the back corner, where there is a solitary cherry blossom. The top soil is quite thin and underneath is...
I developed tennis elbow in both elbows just around the time that COVID started. I didn't want to add extra pressure to the NHS as they had far...
I got a "guzmania" in full bloom at the weekend. It was a bit of an impulse buy so I researched it when I got home. Apparently mum dies after...
Well from what I've heard so far it looks like my mango and avocado are destined to remain indoors as house plants....trees!! Now that's worrying,...
I've found in just my short time keeping bananas that they are about as thirsty as anything you're ever likely to keep. Those huge thick lush...
I germinated an avocado too, at about the 5th attempt, lol. This one's doing even better than my mango. I think both are beautiful young...
Yes, I'm in new territory with my two, they're the first bananas I've ever had. The general feeling is that the greens will even survive a mildish...
I germinated a mango seed earlier this year at the third attempt. It is thriving now, about 12" high. How big can I expect this thing to get as an...
This is an interesting thread re bananas. I've got one of each, green basjoo and red ensete. The green are winter hardy but the reds are quite...
Thanks guys.My naive understanding of ash was that it would raise the ph alarmingly. This does not seem to be the common concensus. It would...
Yes, you are correct, my mistake, ash does indeed raise ph, not lower it, so it won't benefit plants that prefer slight acidity. My soil is around...
I had a wood burner fitted about a year ago. It's a fantastic thing. It heats virtually the whole house for free, as I get as much wood as I need...
Thanks guys for the replies. I knew that aquarium water was good but, as mentioned, it may be lacking in crucial trace elements. And without a...
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