Just found some reasonably priced pots http://www.argos.co.uk/m/static/Product/partNumber/7204311/Trail/searchtext%3EPLANT+POT.htm And some...
And his very expensive set up
Poppy an illegal import rescued by me
That is exactly what I looked like this morning! Ha ha Got to look after the little things now. When she gets off the nest I will video them. I...
I got a surprise this morn 20 squirming baby hamsters! Yuck!
Thanks that is very helpful
Does anyone know of alternative medicines or poultices or tricks to relieving pain? Dads had yet another fall and done his knee in. We're...
Ha ha love it woo!
I've had loads of drips and tests recently- arnica cream really helps the sites heal.
Il be pruning and mulching from now to early march as and when each bush needs something. I think you've got to do what the individual bush and...
If he's born at term he is going to be a whopper. He's already two weeks ahead
Was making good progress in the garden but baby has stopped play again. Thank goodness only 15 weeks to go.
It's great their still going! My unknown pink is still going flowering from aug to now :)
I'm off out the garden to unpack some more edging. See how much I can manage before baby starts kicking my ribs he hates me bending. Have a great...
I wish I'm on light duties only this coming season. Very mild here so got my new kit out and tidied up front garden and cut down the yellow fluffy...
I'm in a similar position walk out look and waddle back
[ATTACH] Here's baby blowing bubbles
No but she's unsurpassed with a soapy water gun on the greenfly! She can identify them and spray them right off the bud :))
I don't know either lol. Due date may 10th but anytime from 24 weeks depending how sick I am. I'm 22 weeks now
Finished decorating the nursery sick bowl in hand lol I hope they keep their promise and deliver me early
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