The last rose bloom finished yesterday it was dame de coeur :)
MY ROSES 2014England's rose William Shakespeare Port sunlight York Minster Margaret Merrill Parky Peace Gold rush Warm wishes Crown princess...
Weather been so bad not been able to get into garden For my bday I got 20xlog edging (at reduced price) A new trug Secateurs Gloves Rose clear...
Have looked through a couple of catalogues now ready for the new season.David Austen - beautiful but nothing interesting or different in my...
Anyone seen anything? Can't just be me that's obsessed - lol
Happy new year everyone!
Thanx sheal. No I will have to wait till I'm healed up maybe June / July. It's no problem gardens take time don't they?
I need to get rid of my grass for roses and veg. No way I can dig it up till July any ideas? Glyphosate? Cover it?
Your so lucky! That's going to be such a nice Lottie. When we cleared mums we did a bit then set it up /planted Then cleared another bit and...
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day!
I had mashed potatoes beans and Yorkshire pudding. That's a lot for me.
Will u come and cook for me that lot would sort out all my pregnancy cravings :)
Too icy to venture into garden today :( watched beech grove recording instead :) Birthday tomorrow and getting all my gardening stuff and edging...
Off out for ten mins to rescue my geranium collection. Can't believe I have a light purple one flowering :)
Merry Christmas to everyone! Especially those that are ill or missing loved ones today! Sending u some Christmas cheer! Xx the chimneys
Baby scanned today. It is most definitely a boy! Didn't get a good pic to put on here maybe next time. The weathers been too rough to get out even...
Hell yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about! Gorgeous. Cheered me up :)
My birthday next week so looks like I will be getting compost! Yay! Back at docs today as started sicking again :( hope for good news from the...
I know woo but I always do all my tidying up in winter. I will take it easy tho ten mins gardening a day will keep me sane untill baby is due then...
How kind u all are lovely messages :) I'm a bit stressed here seem to have run out of things and need new stuff for garden and have no funds as...
Separate names with a comma.