Hi,Just enjoying another mug of tea before doing a bit more work. It's been a busy morning; climbing to the top of the huge oak tree to attach...
Hi,Thanks @Loofah yes I wanted this out and all the rest it being only one part of 60' long double hedging mostly cherry laurel; I didn't just...
Hi,You've got my sympathies @Perki removing a cherry laurel; here's mine I removed;[ATTACH] Five hard days to get this cherry laurel out;...
HiI too wouldn't want to contaminate my soil either @NigelJ ; I only use just enough white spirit as a spot weedkiller and have never had any...
Hi,We have few dandelions in our gardens @NigelJ years ago I found a useful tip on the web; just put a drop of white spirit into their crown...
Hi,Just a normal morning in the garden today; out by 8:30 then use loppers; mains powered large reciprocating saw; small cordless reciprocating...
Hi,Thanks @NigelJ Yes I can imagine gulls to be a great deal worse; I'd never live at the seaside; I believe Scarborough now have guys going...
Hi,Anyone interested in adopting our dirty pigeons together with their constant mess; if so I'll be happy to keep our oak tree after all I too...
Hi,Just a normal day for me; shopping at three supermarkets first thing this morning home by 8:30; after a mug of tea head up the mountain with...
Hi,Trimmed hedges & laurels this morning but it's now too hot which is rare for Yorkshire; mad dogs & Englishmen etc; I'm mad but not going out...
Hi,I take it you won't be buying it then Victoria?Kind regards, Colin.
Hi,Not in the garden but busy as usual. Now aged 75 I've very reluctantly decided to sell some of my large machinery the metal cutting bandsaw...
Hi,Thanks for your tree felling information @shiney you've had a good selection of big trees and you'll be pleased the work is now completed...
Hi,Well done @shiney you've been busy.Although I detest the mess the pigeons have been making for years I'd never ever resort to shooting or...
Hi,The plot holder might want it to seed first before handover?Good luck @Balc to you and your daughter you've got some hard work ahead of...
Hi,This is kind of you @wiseowl thank you. 3d reminds me of days when I was a child and we could buy sweets for a Farthing; 3d used to buy us a...
Hi,Five years ago I started to clear the top of our garden in order to create a wildflower meadow; a lot of the area was covered in couch grass...
Hi,Thanks @Loofah Just my finger crushed. :biggrin:Many thanks for cheering me up @wiseowl it worked and where did you get the picture of me...
Hi,Top job @wiseowl very neat and looking good; well done; Mrs wiseowl suitably impressed.I too have been busy; not everyone can boast...
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