I feel sick... pass the bag someone.. I,m confined to my chair watching the big red English during the closing ceremony....Robert
My fish-my camera-and me.[img]
I make a fair bit of bread in the Capney house. I have a loaf and eight rolls in the oven right now and the smell is wonderful. Any other G.Cs...
My Coleus have some striking colouring this year.[img][img][img][img]
Remember? Sure you do. I planted five potatoes in a dustbin awhile back. The green stuff is dying back and its getting near to opening time. I...
You may find this amusing. our cat Mojo with my mouse.. [img] [img] Robert
Give it to me up front....I can take it. What do you think of this image? I love the contrasts. the dark sky. the fierce flame and the guy...
Flying. Thats one of my hobbies. This is me at the controls of B737 coming into land at Leeds / Bradford airport. I love it [img] Robert
One of my favorite TV shows, "Last of the summer wine" is about to start. Who else watches it?
Without given away any secret feeding formulas. What should I be feeding my leaks with this time of year? Robert
Now I remember why I built a pond in my garden all those years ago. It was to help to with the excess water we see when it rains, and rains, and...
What would you do? What a day I have had. Situation: I have been asked by a very dear neigbor to re decorate her bathroom. Just the wallpaper. OK...
Check out my video taken earlier in the year of our white frog. second or third year we have seen him. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xnlf62SkvXk...
Tis garden related. honest http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=D3FkaN0HQgs Robert
As mentioned on other threads across the forum it seems that there is a requirement for the very best in green tomato chutney recipes! I am...
Have we any gooseberries growers handy? What can you recommend? Im looking for just a few plants to grow in large pots. Maintenace and decease...
Help Im sure I found a link somewhere on the threads to direct us to seed/plants catalogs. Now I cant seem to find it. anybody help, please
Im already thinking of next year. Question for you guys: Can Gooseberries be grown in large pots? If so any recommendation as to variaty. etc:...
Here it is folks. My first onions, ever.. [img]
This picture of our Mojo may upset bird lovers as well as cat lovers. You will notice Mojo is licking his lips and looking contended ![img]
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