I know this won't be a record for germination , but I sowed "Mina Lobata Jungle Queen" , on Wednesday evening. I had presoaked the seeds for 24...
My friend at work has a Hydrangea bush , type not known . This used to flower OK . Now it just grows long stems and does not flower. What can he...
Last year I planted my onion sets on the 7th and 14th of March , also planted my spring onions then. I had planned , with the poor weather , to...
Has anyone got a spare windowsill for me ? :biggrin: I am rapidly running out of space , and it is still freezing outside with snow forecast -...
I have some Violas in a small strawberry planter , just starting to flower nicely now . Normally I discard my pansies and violas in May when I am...
Happy St Patricks day to all our Irish members ! :dbgrtmb: I'll get myself a pack of Guinness today . I have never tried green beer.....I...
Wilkos sell loose grass seed , you weigh it and bag it yourself. They have play lawn seed and also fine lawn seed at £5.40 / Kg . Has anyone tried...
Douglas Adams , of Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy fame is 61 today . Google have a little animation - press on the guide book :blue thumb:...
I always plant 2 Sweet pea seeds in each pot , and usually get 90% germination. When they have grown large enough to pinch out above the third...
I'd like to grow Pak Choi this year in a container . Reading up on it , it seems when , how and the type to plant is critical , as it is 12 hour...
Prompted by another thread I am thinking of growing a few Dahlias from corms - Wilkos have a nice selection at a good price, on a 3 for 2 deal ....
Never had a lot of luck with birdboxes. Bought 2 new ones which are now weathering outside. I'll leave one with a small hole for Tit sized birds ....
......when the weather men get it right ! :gaah: They have been forecasting heavy snow , and we sure got it ! They will have a smug look on their...
When I first viewed GC on my Samsung Tab , an invite to download a forum App was shown . I can't find this now . Is there an app to help viewing...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-21100021 Chances of a hosepipe ban are far away............so the 2nd wettest year on record , and we may...
As the last Canna thread is approaching 600 posts , I thought we could treat ourselves to a new thread for this season . I am not growing any...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-20961003 Jut read this article on a near miss with the Apophis asteroid . The near miss was 8...
I have a Firethorn (pyracantha coccinea) at the front of the house , in a sunny position. In 2011 we had a stunning display of red berries all...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-20910980 They are off ! Hopefully to find up to 124 Spitfires packed in crates .Watch this space !...
I have a Malus John Downie tree about 6 years old . It has not developed very quickly and is only now becoming "tree" shaped after pruning the...
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