How about a small trailer and fit a tow bar to your car, I've seen that done a fair bit if your cars capable. Don't rush into stuff, it's easy to...
I keep everything all in different files as well as on my account package. it's like your life's history, from bank statements to phone bills. As...
Unfortunately you find that with many in and out and maintenance work is done quick and then move to the next job. You see them running with...
It happens a lot, trees, brickwork and so on. Young trees can have protectection put around them but it's fairly common to see line damage. Some...
I've an old Direct Line insurance I've used from almost the start that covers my needs but the small print limits some claims and tool use...
I just use my name, always have. When you do the self assessment I just add my name in the company name section. I've kept it simple, no need to...
It will take a while to find your feet, don't worry it will all come together in the end. You can't beat working for yourself and you never know...
Register or renew as a waste carrier, broker or dealer (England) - GOV.UKWaste licence for green waste is free, its jolly expensive round my way...
Have a look around, a local dealer is always handy. Don't under estimate that Etesia, it will work at a fast speed. Most domestic walk behinds are...
What dealerships do you have close to you. John Deere do a range of sit on mowers and if you have one local then it's a plus as they have a good...
You don't want to cover the grass so it's buried. Normally I dress and work in with a lute and repeat once the turf is established. A simple way...
I'm glad you mentioned the Vax cleaner, I've had one, replaced twice under warranty and gave up the third time. I've a Sebo Felix and it's been a...
They will ban chemicals and access from the public first. This has slowly been going on for years. With modern tech spraying herbicides has got a...
Bulldog for spades and forks but wolf do a range off small handles and attachments that are good too.
Do you mean something like this. EverEdge Classic - Slate | Everedge Lawn Edging | Pitchcare Shop It's just a link showing this type of edging and...
Did you notice any colour change when the area started to die i.e. Red, yellow? Did the area start with patches which slowly enlarged and joined...
Stick up a photo, sometimes even a bit of modest work can turn a lawn around. I've seen some awful looking lawns that can be saved. As for thatch...
How often are you cutting it, if it's new turf it looks a tad low. Too much tap water can also effect levels but you would have to really be...
Im sure it will be fine. The technical answer involves a process called evapotranspiration which in basic terms is how the plant controls the...
Did the landscaper who did the turf leave any instructions for you? New turf need to be watered in when theres a dry spell but if you are now...
Separate names with a comma.