Hi,A busy morning. Shopping done by 7:30 then after a mug of tea into the workshop to do more brazing; I'm helping a friend out by brazing 20...
Hi,A depressing update; our Yorkshire weather is usually dire all year round but this year the meadow has suffered a real pounding from heavy...
Hi,Here in Yorkshire we already have more water than we can handle; it constantly falls from the sky but does have a change from time to time...
Hi,You're very welcome Logan. This is the kind of mattress topper we bought;Orthopaedic Memory Foam Mattress Topper | 1"- 4" Thick | With or...
Hi,You're very welcome Logan; I'm sorry to learn of your hubby's problem and hope a second pillow helps; good luck to him.A few years ago fed...
Hi,Thanks Palustris. I drink tea and water; my tea is Morrison's de-caf; no sugar but with Soya; I stopped drinking standard tea after my hands...
Hi,Many thanks Palutris for your useful information; years and years with many hospital admissions and no doctor or specialist even mentioning...
Hi,For many years I've suffered aches & pains thinking these to be related to all the hard work I do. I'd go to bed then get up the next morning...
Hi,Many thanks Giri. You and I have a lot in common. Nice bikes; the Guzzi's were always highly regarded; I've never ridden one but seen a few...
Hi,Thanks Giri; yes a lot less hedge trimming and less maintenance in general after all the work carried out; it's raining again as I type so I...
Hi,Thanks HarryS for the update showing these rollers are now available through eBay. :)Kind regards, Colin.
Hi,Many thanks Giri; also thanks for the balancing suggestion. I'll have a look but most of the strimming I've done today was to strim the grass...
Hi,34 years of solid hard graft since we moved into this our dream bungalow. Happiness lasted six weeks until a storm showed we needed a new...
Hi,Well done alana; now you've done some upholstery I bet you do more; it's amazing the savings doing the work oneself; I'd encourage anyone to...
Hi,My wife and I both retired have just about everything we need or even want but with our 45th wedding anniversay approaching I asked my wife...
Hi,A chum sent me this;I was standing at the bar one night, minding my own business, when this FAT, ugly chick came up behind me, grabbed my...
Hi,Many thanks for your replies.2" rollers; sorry I should have made this clear; anyone know anywhere else 2" rollers can be bought? I spent a...
Hi,5 years ago I gave our front room a comprehensive makeover involving adding wall panels to the lower wall sections. I had been wondering how...
Hi,Thanks Logan; much appreciated.Thanks Giri for your interesting notes; I can relate to what you do due to my mechanical engineering...
Hi,Thanks Giri. The ironwork looks very impressive. Your woodturned items are excellent and robust enough to last many generations; it's a...
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