Hi,Thanks Logan; yes our weather is usually dire as it is today but now I'm 72 I might as well get used to it because it's not likely to change...
Hi,Thanks Logan. :dbgrtmb::) When Bron and I first married Bron always had a hot water bottle to warm the bed but we soon found the delights of...
Hi,I hadn't realized we'd left winter ARMANDII. :biggrin:Kind regards, Colin.
Hi,You'll feel nice and snug with the heating on and a warm bed Victoria. :SUNsmile:This week Bron and I bought a new 13.5 Tog duvet and new...
Hi,Thanks shiney; I'm careful not to be impolite but simply wet somehow doesn't describe the result of Blackies endeavours trying to wash the...
Hi,Very well done Jiffy; I'm sure lots of flooded places could use your services. :dbgrtmb:Kind regards, Colin.
Hi,Thanks Upsy; depressing at times; it's depressing all the time given our climate but I enjoy moaning about it. :yes:Recent deep flooding is...
Hi,Thanks for asking Upsy; :) yes it's spring; summer; autumn and winter here full time with very little change in the year long dire weather;...
Hi,A typical Yorkshire summers day today; black hole; miserable; gloomy and of course ever faithful Blackie watering our sodden gardens and...
Hi,I feel I must share this momentous moment with you;[ATTACH]:wow::awesome:Our patio is almost dry; it's amazing living here; flooding...
Hi,Not a moan because I've just enjoyed TIG welding practice for an hour getting the hang of welder settings and controlling the puddle; I've...
Hi,Thanks for posting the picture Upsy; what a gorgeous view from your bedroom window and in general what a wonderful home you have in such...
Hi,It was strange this morning not awakening to the rhythm of the falling rain but Blackie won't let us down he'll be here shortly; in the...
Hi,Everywhere lolimac there are always a minority spoiling things and making trouble but unfortunately year on year the minority appear to be...
Hi,I agree with you Jenny; yes Upsy has a lovely house and gardens. :yes::yes::yes:Nice picture Upsy. :dbgrtmb:Kind regards, Colin.
Hi,We keep our windows closed Upsy whilst we listen to Blackie doing his thing the year round; summer's are usually cancelled here through lack...
Hi,I couldn't agree more with you lolimac; Bron and I often drive through Flockton a local village; what a nightmare it is to get behind a...
Hi,Why is everyone from the age of 4 upwards expected to have a mobile phone welded to their ear?Buying online can be hugely frustrating;...
Hi,Is there any way I can set up a standing order to save me time posting that Blackie is mostly here?[ATTACH]The weather forecasters have...
Hi,Thanks clanless; yes a useful skill to have but given the cost of TIG welding it might be cheaper to dump a rusty car and buy another car?...
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