Hi,WOW; our patio is almost dry and apart from a soaking wet start no rain today SO FAR. I've just been making the most of it; I climbed over...
Hi,When you've put the wallflowers in Logan I'll let Blackie pop down to water them in saving you a job. :)I can only dream of 20C Victoria;...
Hi,Another wet black hole; I don't know what the temperature is like because I've not yet fully woken up. Looks like Blackie's in residence...
Hi,I couldn't agree more wiseowl; I'll even work miracles for you but please; please keep Blackie with my sincerest compliments....
Hi,Are you kidding wiseowl. :heehee::lunapic 130165696578242 5:Kind regards, Colin.
Hi, Many thanks ricky; I'm not really anti-tech because I'll happily use modern technology but only when it suits me; I'm not a sheep following...
Hi,Quite a while ago Bron and I were suffering lots of TV problems; we very seldom watch "normal rubbish" TV but we were watching lots of...
Hi,Last week Bron and I caught an episode of "The wonderful world of crafting"The Wonderful World Of Crafting - Channel 5We found it both...
Hi,Good luck Mike for your recovery once you have the op. :dbgrtmb:I'm with you Mike regarding all the modern electronic gadgets and I too can...
Hi,I'm not sure about the plants not caring mazambo; I've known people with less intelligence than plants? :)Kind regards, Colin.
Hi,I've just enjoyed an hour at the top of the mountain with the hoe; as usual it was wet and for a change light drizzle but it didn't bother me...
Hi,[ATTACH]Above is the speed test I've just carried out pete on my computer; yes I'm running on cable and our TV is hooked up via a pair of...
Hi,I've just had a quick browse of Vodafone and agree it looks good.[ATTACH]Above is Vodafone.Here's VM;[ATTACH]Our download speed is...
Hi,Thanks for the enlightening information Mike and I wish you well once you get set up with Vodafone. I'm going to check our VM charges; I'm...
Hi,What an industrious lot you all are grafting away in your gardens enjoying yourselves; here in the UK enjoyment or happiness aren't allowed;...
Hi,Many thanks CarolineL; yes Blackie has a use and enjoys watering me and our gardens. :biggrin:Many thanks to you too luciusmaximus; they do...
Hi,I too am with Virgin Media Mike; my email is ntlworld having had cable for about 30 years. I'm running Win10 without problems at all. My...
Hi,Strange weather; it turned out decent this afternoon with a breeze. I've pottered around doing a bit of weeding in the front garden; checking...
Hi,The sun is now shining after a miserable wet morning. It's more like April than October with sunshine and showers.Kind regards, Colin.
Hi,I've just taken the following pictures from our kitchen window of our view up the mountain; Blackie's here as usual so everything is soaking...
Separate names with a comma.