You should get away with clematis, and jasmine and even Bob Flowerdew has grapevines in pots. If you are worried about roots freezing, line the...
Well done there MF :gnthb::)
Hi Steve, they look very professional. A couple of questions - Why the concertina and is there an advantage to this shape? Is it better than...
Hi Hammer, I am just about to sow my toms & peppers, I will leave the cuces until the end of the month. I use cell trays, putting one seed per...
You are very welcome - glad to be of help :)
For shade, I can think of Aucuba japonica - (Spotted laurel), Skimmia, Cornus Alba -(dogwood), Sarcococca, Mahonia, Fatshedera, Leucothoe,...
Silly me. I remember now that I got one of those from J Parkers last autumn, they have them on offer for £2.95....
There are two B. Weyeriana hybrids - Sungold and Moonlight. I have the Moonlight, it flowers for a very long time as it is infertile.
Ooh - very good Aesculus, so it is :cl-p::)
I think you might be right Bob. See here:
Is it in full or partial shade BigBaddad? - like your name by the way :D
Hi Kedi, the bottom one looks pretty lethal, could it be some kind of Agave? The yellow one certainly looks buddleja-like, but the only yellow...
As far as I can tell, it is all about having certified disease-free seed potatoes, ie. no contamination or spores of fungus on them. It is...
Hi Billywhizz and welcome. If you prune spring flowering shrubs before they flower you will cut all of the flowering buds off. It will not harm...
I would think March should be fine Lyn. As PeterS says, there are quite a lot of varieties to choose from, A. Christophii is one of my...
I like your palm tutu BM :D
Poor Cyclamen! Looks like a nice hot cuppa tea is in order Scotkat. :D :)
Separate names with a comma.