Hi,Chirpy chirpy cheep cheep.We're definitely middle of the road living here. :heehee:[MEDIA]I wish I hadn't added the video; I'll not get...
Hi,Thanks pete; yes we've considered moving many times and still talk about it; our best neighbours moved a year ago to Nottingham; whilst...
Hi,I'm still waiting for summer.Kind regards, Colin.
Hi,Thanks CanadianLori; the meadow growth took me by surprise; at first the seeds started to germinate and suddenly I had a meadow of flowers up...
Hi,What's an heatwave pete; might be a silly question but I live in West (sorry WET) Yorkshire. :)Many thanks lolimac; if you can divert both...
Hi,I've just joined a MIG welding forum. I've been arc welding for over 50 years never needing to weld aluminium or stainless etc but this...
Hi,Please don't feel the need to share your clouds lolimac; I won't be offended in the least if you keep them to the east. :biggrin: Gale's...
Hi,Blackie must be tired out; just a few spots of drizzle blown at me by his sister Gale; I want to paint spray a grass box; everything's ready...
Hi,Congratulations trunky; you've done your bit for queen & country time now to get really busy and you'll find with each passing year the time...
Hi,Thanks Logan; I'm thinking of erecting a "Sold" sign where the badgers keep digging to give them a hint the site's no longer available; they...
Hi,Thanks Logan; Bron and I prefer animals to most people; for years we've put peanuts out at night for the badgers making them welcome but...
Hi,It didn't snow Sheal because Bron and I had four new Michelin Cross Climate tyres fitted to our Yeti in readiness costing £600; all we had...
Hi,Thanks wiseowl; pity Blackie got away from you. :) It's sunny here at the moment and I've just been up the garden looking at the new meadow...
Hi,Any chance of keeping it wiseowl; I'll be wandering along the street tonight to feed neighbours cats and hope Blackie doesn't catch me again...
Hi,Thanks Sheal & Mike for your welcome congratulations which Bron and I fully appreciate. :)Oh dear Mike; just imagine you and I getting...
Hi,Many thanks Sandy for your useful information; it's most appreciated.:dbgrtmb: I'm very impressed by your aluminium welding; thanks for the...
Hi,A quick update;Strengthened Plastic Petrol Fuel Tank 49cc ATV MIni Moto Quad With Wavy Plastics | eBayJust bought one of these to play...
Hi,Many thanks Sandy for your excellent suggestion and one I've been considering. :)I enjoy doing unusual projects and have just been browsing...
Hi,The Colt petrol tank has pushed me a bit too far; if I respray it yet again I'm sure it will laugh at me very soon and pop another leak; I...
Hi,Many thanks Logan; I don't mind the odd soaking but I do mind Blackie adopting me without me having a say in it at all. :mute:Dust seldom...
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