1TB hard drive

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by capney, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    I use on line back up you get 2gb free and have had need to use it http://mozy.com/home
    also a maxtor external hard drive backup.
  2. Doogle

    Doogle Gardener

    May 8, 2009
    I use re-writable DVDs on a Grandfather - Father - Son basis. They wont degrade much in 3 months which is the longest time any one is valid for. Change the physical media once every two or three years and the cost isn't significant. (Compared to the cost of re-creating). Time is an issue as I don't have an automatic DVD changer but it works for me. I only back-up 'data' since the system and program files etc can be re-created from the original CD/DVDs, or at worst can be re-purchased.

    Everybody's requirements are different; in my case it's important to have Disaster Recovery, hence I store the back-ups and original CD/DVDs, off site, so should my house burn down I have all my data stored safely away. Raid wouldn't help much under those circumstances.

    Not everyone is going to want that sort of protection, if your house burns down, recovering your Computer might not be your first priority, so a fireproof safe, or, as Walnut has suggested, on-line back-up, might serve the purpose just as well.

    Of course, with all these things, it should be tested every so often (not by setting fire to the house :) ), to make sure that (a) you've backed-up everything you need and (b) you can actually recover the data :thumb:
  3. Hex

    Hex Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    Notice i said mirrored, not striped :wink:
  4. djrock

    djrock Gardener

    Oct 11, 2008
    QFA :gnthb: Never trust a hard drive its mechanical and can break down anytime. So youâ??re best to have multiple copies on different storage mediums.

    Also external hard drives have a bigger chance of failure!

    Hex I donâ??t think dvds degrading will be a big problem. If you use a good quality dvd disc manufacturer and check the burn was good. Hopefully should last 10 years. But who knows. I donâ??t have any dvdrâ??s that are 10 years old to test.


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