I remember it very well. I was at work. And yes, I can even remember what I was working on at the time.
It was my day off so I was at home, was watching a film when the channel changed and I must admit that I thought it was a film watching it too, sat and watched in horror, rang the (EX)OH and relayed info to him as he was at work, spent alot of the time in tears. I live on a flight path with East middlands airport a few miles away so sat in fear too that something would happen as closer to be is a MOD base. [Because my son was only little I bought papers for a week after that and have them sealed up in the attic. We also had a close call with the london bombings, a family member was either meant to be on one of the busses or tubes (can't remember which) but thankfuly had gotten into work early that day. It's just so tragic and am determined to get to ground zero one day.
Thank you all for your contributions to this thread. As has been said, it was life changing for all of us.