A place to rant mark ii

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by daitheplant, Dec 27, 2007.

  1. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    licking wounds its about time the welsh won summert. so you finally catching up at rugby and still 80 years behind at football . ps well done and thats ya lot and if i ever see the welsh national football team do summert i will say well done again ,and if i see a welsh football team in the prem ill shout from the hills . think not :D
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Pro,If I remember rightly it was the Tories who wanted us to join the Common Market{EU} and wasn't it Margaret Thatchers goverment who had our service men fighting in the first Gulf War and also the Falklands War,perhaps I might be a bit older than you so can remember some of these facts a little better. The idea of a European Union is to be able to travel round Europe and to go and work wherever the work is.

    A lot of Migrant workers are doing the jobs that a lot of the English refuse to do because they would rather sit at home all day or the wages are too low.

    My husband and myself and a lot of our working friends lost our jobs thanks to Mrs Thatcher.She never gave a txxs as to what happened to any of us and how we were going to be able to afford to pay our mortgages and bills with two of us out of work,and suprising as it may seem I am not a Labour Voter either.In some cases it was whole families that were being made redundant...

    David,i would come and live in your beautiful country,but I have seen in the past that us brits have not always been welcome.We were offered jobs down in Abercynon? but all there was was the firm that we worked for or the mines.We never fancied either so took our chance here where there was more job opportunities.The free scripts look tempting though [​IMG] ;) :D
  3. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I dont think thatcher was great by any means and she certainly left us a bad legacy eg privatisation, however Blairs legacy and now Browns is likely as bad if not worse.

    The problem with British workers not wanting to do low paid jobs could be solved in part by a very strict benifits systme. Secondly forighn workers send the money back home as oposed to investing it in this country thus making the problem worse.

    Part of the problem is the shortadge of afordable housing meaning that it is very hard for folk to live on the minimum wadge.

    The imigrants are happy to share rooms etc as they are doing this for a short time.
  4. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    for the english what he really meant is dai the plank just just got a good hammering. made to look the fool he is, and it was all his own work.not bad for a thick plank :D :D
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Pro,it is a pity that Maggie decided to sell off everything,htough I can't see what good it has done this country.

    The roads are clogged up because train prices are sky high and hardly any freight if any is used on the train systems because a lot of the lines were closed and turned into cycleways.

    I was listening to Radio 5 live last week and the chaps on there says the economy is better now than it has ever been under Labour,but not being much into the financial and political side of things I am not sure.

    There is so much debt in this country amongst people because Thatchers children were encouraged to have everything today and worry about paying for it later.It is easier for people to go bancrupt if they get too deep into debt these days which must be picked up eventually by someone.

    I spent all my life doing some of those menial low paid jobs but that was my own fault for being shy and not having the confidence to better myself.Most of my family are the same.I have never been much of a materialistic person so have never been driven by money,whether that is a good thing I don't know.

    I think when the kids are at school they should be taught on money management,cookery,DIY,childcare,not music and dancing which isn't going to help them buy a house or to survive in this world.

    Yes you are right the whole benefits system needs looking at.I was shocked to find that couples are being paid hundreds of pounds to go back out to work so the nurseries are overflowing with babies and toddlers.Perhaps the money would we better off being given to the mums to enable them to spend the first important years of a childs development staying athome to care for them,perhaps then there wouldn't be so many tiny tearaways running amok and young teenagers shooting and knifing each other,but because house prices have gone through the roof it is impossible for the ordianry people to be able to afford to buy their own place.That is why the queues to Emigrate are suddenly got longer.

    There are no affordable houses being built and since Maggie gave all the Council tennants the right to buy their own homes at a large knock down price,they all rushed to buy them,though you can't blame them for that,but unfortunatley no new homes were built until recently to accomadate the families.
    Until bosses start paying their workers a decent living wage then the waiting list just gets longer.It is a shame that profit always comes first,but then again that is why they are in buisness to make loads of money so that they in turn can lead a good life and have nice homes and nice holidays.

    You can't blame the Immigrants from sending money back home because that is what a lot of Immigrants did even back in the fifties and sixties.I have a good friend who came over here to train as a surveyor in the sixties but he always sent part of his wages back home to help his parents keep the roof over their heads.I think the whole system needs looking at a proper solution sorted out to try and help us all out.I sometimes think that instaed of having so many parties why can't they all sit round a table together to sort out this country instead of satnding up in Parliment and shouting and screaming at each other.That to me solves nothing.

    Also the newspapers wind up the public with all what they print and half of it is a pack of lies,that is why I gave up with buying them years ago because I was sick of the rubbish they printed...

    Nice talking to you Pro [​IMG]
  6. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Kandy, Not a lot I can add to that other than i agree.

    As for the fact that kids are sent to nursery school at sutch early age, My parents are secondry school teachers and unfortunately have to cope with the eventual product of this.

    Couple this with the fact that in our area there are no special shools now so children with real eductional and personality problems are suposed to be intergrated.

    Of course it doesnt work and the are eventually permaently excluded and end up getting a limited amount of one to one teaching at great cost.

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