A question about breeding/mating dogs

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by Sam1974x, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Clueless, your whole recent entry above I applaud. Really great ideas.
    Early you said also, "lack of experience and understanding regarding dogs" --for that sentence, a little too forgiving excuse. There is so much information out there on how to "find the right breed for your lifestyle", or should you "even have a dog as a pet for your lifestyle." BUT, some humans do pop out babies and have no clue what they are doing with it, how to do we expect those folks to research "dog".
    Heard the stats the other day that every so many seconds a dog is abused. We just had a thread on here of police leaving their two GS die in a hot car. It just seems like such an enormous job to teach humans to be aware of their actions and the effects on a sweet innocent dog.
    Sorry Sam, I ruined your romantic thread of puppy thoughts.
  2. terrier

    terrier Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    I think if Sam has already decided to put his bitch in pup, the least we can do is to try and offer good advice and not dwell on the negative side.
    As for laws protecting dogs, we've no chance of that when we have a government who are giving hand outs to Welsh farmers to 'puppy farm'. We take our committment to the breed seriously and actively rescue and rehome 'problem' dogs. I've moaned about this before but it really does grate on me, it's the big pro breeders that are coining in the money and it's left to people like us to pick up the pieces and guess how much we get from the government!
  3. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Some interesting views. Having had our dog 'have a good time when she shouldn't',lol, we were very concerned about the 5 pups she had. Someone mentioned not breeding from mongrels. Well ours is one (or a cross at least) and we don't know what breed she mated with but they were lovely little things. Joyce is a rescue dog too and we had no compunction about getting a mongrel. It was a case of look and love!

    We've been down south for a week and the people who owned where we were staying had not long got a 4 yr old Alsation bitch. She was rescued from Wales by the Dogs Trust, where she had been used as a breeding machine. They have done alot of training with her although she wasn't 'bad' when they got her and she is amazing, the way she totally obeys commands.

    I totally agree with what's been said about having to have a licence. It doesn't have to be a great amount of money and surely anyone paying hundreds of pounds for a dog wouldn't object to paying a bit more and maybe it would stop the unscrupulous (sp?) breeders and owners from getting these dogs and abusing them.

    Back to the original thread - we got a large cardboard box for Joyce (nothing but the best, lol) cut one side down as an opening and put blankets in. As we didn't know exactly when she was due, we put it out and she just went to it automatically when she went into labour - fantastic how she just knew what it was for!

  4. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    I said this myself on a different thread a while back. I for one would be happy to pay and happy to be vetted by whoever as our dogs are certainly well loved, well cared for and have the best of lives :)

    Thanks for the info re the box. The ones you buy are pretty much a cardboard box, pre done with 'pig rails' installed. They also come with various accessories - plastic liners, fleece liners and disposable pads (for wee and poop).

    I appreciated everyones view on whether to breed or not too, and like I said in my first post, I know many people have different views etc :)

    Her matings are booked in for next Wednesday, next Friday and possibly the Sunday also, depending on if she want to do the deed or not! She is very playful today - and shoving her bits in our other dogs face (who is also female!). Am not sure what Lucy thinks Sophie is going to do with her bits though lol
  5. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    :hehe: Don't fall for it Sam, Joyce seemed all innocence too. They know what they're doing:lollol:

  6. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    I guess we would be the same if we only got a few days every six months to do it lol

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