an idiot's guide for a veggie rich garden - help needed

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by dummy, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. badsal72

    badsal72 Gardener

    Jan 2, 2006
    Hi Dummy,

    I use cheap fleece from the pound shop until the seeds germinate to keep them warm. I then use pop bottles with their bottoms cut off as little cloches. Make sure the top is off, and the label removed.

    I am also working to a tight budget and these little tips to save money do help.

    I get my friends to save me their pop bottles to, so you are also encouraging recycling at the same time.

    Good Luck
  2. norman

    norman Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 31, 2005
    Before planting seeds into compost, sterilize the soil. Wet the soil and microwave until it steams, allow to cool. Old egg boxes can be used,
    plant in ground as they are. Vermiculite makes a good compost for runner beans. If space is restricted, grow only the more expensive veggies like cherry tomatoes, (in bottomless pots). Rhs do a good book on fruit and veg, gives all the details. Rotate the crops to reduce virus infection. Growmore is a cheap good fertilizer, but look around for stables who have large heaps of "free" well rotted manure, it can go straight on. Only grow what you need and stagger the planting of say lettuce etc to avoid storage spoiling. Burpees golden beetroots can be eaten top and bottom and the roots frozen
  3. Claire75

    Claire75 Gardener

    Mar 8, 2007
    Hi Dummy,
    I have one year's experience of growing veg so I'm still a novice and still a bit confused, also can still remember being even more confused at the beginning of it all!
    If cash-flow situation permits, I'd recommend Caroline Foley's Allotment Handbook which I have found brilliant - very informative but simple to follow and very thorough.
  4. azadaman

    azadaman Gardener

    Dec 1, 2006
    Yes bottles are great but make sure you use the side with the spout on.
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