Another little cat friend has passed into cat heaven

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by Daisies, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    So sorry for your loss, Rosie. It really doesn't get any easier, does it?

    Sorry for the missing pic - here it is

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    • Jenny namaste

      Jenny namaste Total Gardener

      Mar 11, 2012
      retired- blissfully retired......
      Battle, East Sussex
      Tammy looks so very, very peaceful there Daisees.
      What a lucky, lucky little puss cat :cat-kittyandsmiley:
    • Daisies

      Daisies Total Gardener

      May 26, 2005
      Peaceful my ...... ! She turned out to be one very nasty piece of work! Lovely all day Friday, very sweet and purry. Even came to sit on the arm of the settee beside me and had a nap there. Later she tried approaching me from the other side and sat with her paw on my thigh. Awwww - I thought! TomTom was a bundle of nerves about her from the start and didn't relax or purr once.

      Come yesterday, she came onto my lap and sat smiling sweetly up at me, purring. So, like you would, I extended a finger to tickle her under the ear and WHAM! she was wrapped round my hand like a lightening strike and then rushed off. From that moment on, she was all alert and when I fed them, she had a go at TomTom who fled for his life in terror and then had another go at me! I got him back in and shut the door and for a while it seemed some kind of peace reigned. But later in the evening, from the perch in the photo, she started growling at Tom and swearing at him. He looked absolutely terrified. Then after a bit, I realised she wasn't on the blanket any more and when I turned my head, she had crept along the shelf and was staring at me in a most unnerving way, all alert and intent. Every time I looked away and then back, she'd moved a couple more inches and then her tail started waving, just the end couple of inches. Her rear end was up and she was definitely hunting me! Weird as it seems, I am certain she was about to launch an attack!

      So I enticed her into the conservatory and shut the door on her and there she stayed for the rest of the night! Interestingly, Tom at once relaxed and started to purr!

      Well, I took her back to the rescue centre and handed her over to a young chap I'd not met before. When he brought the basket back, he asked me if I had another cat and when I said I had, he told me the story.

      Tammy's previous owner had been an old lady who had died. She came in with another cat they assumed were companions but there was a lot of fisticuffs (mostly Tammy) and messing outside the litter tray so they split them up and all seemed well. Obviously they weren't best buddies. But then they found that Tammy would routinely cosy up to them only to turn and attack without provocation! He said he had been very surprised to learn she had been homed and not the least bit surprised to hear she was coming back again!

      I am so cross about this. Apart from the stress to myself and TomTom, it was hardly fair on Tammy either. I was assured when I fet ready for another cat to let them know. I left muttering under my breath "not in this lifetime"!!!!

      I am now pleased to report that TomTom is settled and very happy again and I think now that he knew from the get-go that she wasn't a very nice cat. Poor chap!
    • Jenny namaste

      Jenny namaste Total Gardener

      Mar 11, 2012
      retired- blissfully retired......
      Battle, East Sussex
      Cats are so unpredictable aren't they? My Siamese Kasauli and our later Oriental Spotted called Holly both loved to play this game and it sometimes got a bit rough. I soon learned , after a few deep claw marks when to stop the game. I found that a long, long stare would set it off so I would look away.. I think a lot of these behaviour traits are deeply embedded from way back and that a cat that's a purring silky creature can revert sometimes . Not all cats do it I know, but a swishing tail or flattened ears mean its time to back off .
      So glad that you were able to end the experience before Tom Tom got too distressed,
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      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Aww that's a shame Daisees....but for the best....poor Tom Tom...i'm sure he's a lot happier now.....:cat-kittyandsmiley:
        The Rescue centre should have made you and any other prospective owner aware of Tammys history....luckily you and Tom came out unscathed but it could have been a different story......
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