Baban's Brood

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by terrier, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Just posted the link to my daughter she's watched this thread avidly (as have me and mrs walnut) what cracking little dogs ready to start their new adventures we wish them all good luck on their journey through life,thanks Terrier for sharing.:thumb:
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Oh what little crackers they have turned out to be terrier..!!! It will be very quiet when they have all gone..!!!!:( Still a little peace is nice for a while..!!!:D

    :) They certainly look ready for life's big adventure...:thumb: Thanks for sharing Terrier..!
  3. terrier

    terrier Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    It seems different round here ... sort of quiet. Puppies have all gone to their new homes now.
    This is one of the last pics we took of them all together enjoying a quiet moment...


    Mab was the first to be picked up on Thursday morning. She turned out to be the feisty one, always ready for a scrap and definately saw herself as the boss. She'll be starting her new life on a Shropshire smallholding with other working dogs and horses. Fizz, her sister went in the afternoon. She was the quiet one, thoughtful, listening to what was going on, weighing the situation up before making her move. It doesn't seem long ago that the toy vegetable was bigger than her...


    She's joined a family not so far from here, so we'll probably be seeing a lot of her at our get togethers.

    That just left little Hari, who was wondering where his two sisters had gone. Quite opportune really because it's the males who are usually quite shy at first but are the hardest to handle as they get older. Destined to join the family of some close friends of ours, he had the undivided attention of Baban for the next four days and she made the most of it, really laying down the law to him and instilling good behavioural patterns. OH (and Hari's new people) were away at a camping weekend ( dead peeved 'cos I couldn't make it) so little Hari spent the weekend with his mum and one of our other male dogs, Gellert. Gellert is a big, very gentle WT and made a good roll model for young Hari.


    So there we are, we can only hope we've made the right decisions, we've done our best and made our choices. I hope the people who have followed this thread have had a small insight into what goes into looking after these young lives and felt at least some of the enjoyment that we get from not only breeding and nurturing the young dogs, but seeing them mature and blossom in their new homes.
    So what about Baban? Will she be sad about losing her pups after only eight weeks? Will she pine away and withdraw? Will the experience have a damaging effect on her??? :D



    Thanx for reading :)
  4. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    What a story!

    Absolutely a 5 star thread terrier.

    You've also shown us what a big responsibility breeding is too.

    Absolutely fantastic photos of a loveable family's little episode in life.

    Thank you so much for showing us too.


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