Baggage handlers...grrrrr!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Sussexgardener, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Threaten most hotels with getting the police in and they will bend over backwards to help. Hotels will go out of their way to avoid bad publicity - the old adage of "you tell 6 people about a bad experience but only 1 person about a good experience" holds so true for hotels.
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Sorry to hear about the theft :(.

    You have done the right thing with reporting it to BA but if they don't reply saying they have forwarded it the baggage handling company then you should do it yourself. I don't think that you have a 'snowballs' of getting anything but it still needs to be registered with them. At least it makes you feel that you have done something about it :thumb:.

    Re locking cases: it is a good idea but don't do it if going to the USA. They usually tell you not to lock your cases and if they search them they won't bother to unlock them (very easy to do as only a few keys fit most locks on cases) but may just break them open :mad:
  3. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    I never lock cases. Baggage handlers just break the locks off. Why they should need to see inside them is beyond me, but it seems they are allowed to do it. They also seem to hold airports ransom whenever they feel like it and get paid a fortune. I bet a lot of airport managers would love to sack the lot of them.
  4. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    This makes my blood boil! What right to do they have to open bags - they are handlers (although chuckers would be more acurate). I thought it was only customs & security that could go through ones luggage??

    There has been lots on the tv in the past with secret filming regarding this, but in this current employment fiasco I suspect alot more 'thieves' are doing it.

    We don't lock but then we don't have anything much worth stealing anyway - we'd probably get something put in,lol. All joking apart, this is a disgrace. I do hope they compensate in some way.

  5. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Well I've had a response, of sorts from BA. The standard, "we're sorry, very upsetting for you" sort of email. He also had the balls to say that they always advise passengers not to pack anything valuable in their bags that get checked in, because airlines have low liabilty payout ability. I take this to mean they have a problem with baggage handlers, but instead of dealing with it, they just sweep the problem under the the carpet. I replied asking if they suggest all passengers take only hand luggage...and I want a response, mentioning that in the "real world" this would be viewed as theft, regardless of what was taken.

    A friend has told me that her daughter flew not long after the severe restrictions on hand luggage was introduced (before they were relaxed again) and had to pack her clarinet. Needless to say, said clarinet wasn't in her bag at the other end. She fought and fought and eventually got compensation. Shocking!

    Whilst we're on the subject, I wish airport authorities would wise up to the extortionate cost of food/drink once you get through security. We bought a small bottle of water at Malaga airport - 2.80 euros!!! Ironically, we forgot to pack a bottle of suntan lotion in our hold luggage and it was still in the hand luggage. It got through security, not noticed, despite being in the bag, not in view and well over the 100ml size. Opps - very comforting to know Spanish security are so effective.

    I get the feeling this little saga is going to run and run. Well, I intend it to anyway!
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