Bob & Hel's allotment

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Many thanks girls.

    Still a very long way to go and with the weather being so very hot I just can't do a blooming thing, never mind it can't last for too long...... or can it?:confused:

    Yes Sandra our 'new' plot is going to house most of the fruit that we intend to grow lucky for us on that plot there are at least a few raspberry canes so these will be getting moved and placing in a more acceptable place.

    We have to have as many cabbages as we can grow as it's one vegetable Bob's 'allowed' to eat due to his condition, we are really pleased after tasting Ray's cabbages that they taste far better than shop brought ones so that's something to look forward to next year.

    Dee I don't know about a medal but that was sweet of you to say that.We have been given some Savoy cabbage plants by Ray as well as some more types although truth be told I forgot what they were called I think I'm having a senior moment far too often these days!:D Bob's sown some Hispi cabbage some for us and some for our buddy Ray spread the love that's what I say!;)

    Kandy we have found out that a guy who lives near the allotments drops off his horse muck for the allotmenteers to use for free although it's does have an awful lot of straw in it but the same guy with go and pick you up some really well rotted horse muck from local stables for £15 a large trailer load so that's brilliant.

    We are going to make a huge area at the top of the 'new' allotment to house the muck at least that way we will be traveling down hill with a heavy wheel barrow load and not up hill because that will really do us in!:eek:

    Yes Kandy there are some rabbits on the allotments not seen any on ours as yet but we will be rabbit proofing out plots once they are sorted.

    Something terrible happened last week a guy saw us on Ray's plot (next door) dropping off some membrane for Ray anyway when Bob walked onto Ray's plot the guy walked away but later on we saw him talking to a guy on the committee who in turn saw us later on in the week walking back home and stopped us and asked what we had got in our flexy bucket!:eek:

    I was a little bit slow so didn't realised what he was going on about although thankfully Bob did and gave the guy a verbal bashing of the ears and told him we don't take nothing that isn't ours or hasn't been given freely to us.

    Is it being mean whooping with joy finding out that the said committee member can't grow lettuce on his plot? He doesn't know why although we know what's the cause of his lettuce problems....he's over run by rabbits!:D

    I have since found out from Christine (who works Ray's plot with him) that most of the guys are really funny with her which seems pretty strange as she is a lovely lady and we get on like a house on fire, I don't have a problem with the guys down on the plots Bob says it's probably because I'm far from shy and will talk to anyone and tend to call them all darling.... I'm such a terrible flirt goodness knows how Bob puts up with me!
  2. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hel. I have used sections of pipe as you have done to protect plants but have also added a band of copper tape around them to keep the slugs off.
  3. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    well done helen and bob its looking great:thumb:
  4. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Walnut I have heard of that tape but I or should I say 'Bob' likes to do things at the correct price for him 'cheap' and I'm not sure just how 'cheap' that tape is as there's even more cabbages to be planted so we would need an awful lot!

    Thanx Ste nice to have you back where you belong I have to confess I'ave missed your cheeky ways!:D
  5. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    helen hows life been like down on the lotty:thumb: give us a full list of what your growing and when you think they will be ready ...and ill pop up in the van:D:D

    THE MASTER Gardener

    Mar 20, 2008
    chin up hellen , go kick some ****s . your getting stuck in . it is not easy working a full plot in the first year let alone two plots. you keep going girl and show us the way .
    you and bob are a real insperation to us all . you work hard and you get results . dont let the other plot owners put you down . put them down with wot you can grow. it is a war out there on the plot but is is a freindly war .im getting taken to bits with wot is failing but im winning on other stuff
    my broad beans are on fith crop
    pease have failed on third crop, so im on second bed comming up propper
    tattys .. earlys neaver got going as neather my pink fur still had a few tiny one out basicaly the weeds took over
    letace im picking and thining out nearly every day
    my onions from seed are sexy
    pumkins are like footballs
    marrow picked off the two bigest , the third has gone mad now turning into a monster
    turnip . there under a simple net curtain and doing ok
    runners im well behind but ive got more flowers than any of the others for the hight there at and ive got two type's of runners
    hellen you would love the banter thats on my plot . we all juge eachother and totaly take the ****
    mines bigger than yours . each of us is beeting eachouter with different things .

    we all help each other out and have a good ole laugh . AND THATS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    On Monday I got all the veg nicely bubbling away on the cooker but when I got to the potato basket there were none left, so I told Bob to nip over to Ray's allotment and pick some as Ray's potatoes only take 10 minutes to boil and taste so very nice. Well he did and we enjoyed the lovely veg from the allotment only to find the next morning Bob had picked up a huge thorn along the allotment track which got struck in one of his tyres, needless to say when Bob saw it he took the thorn out and the tyre started to go down pretty not good!:eek:

    So Bob ended up putting on a new tyre we wouldn't have minded but he only put four new ones on the other month so in the end Bob's potatoe scrumping cost us £35 which just goes to show crime really doesn't pay or at least not for Bob, bad at the time but really funny now when you come to think about it thankfully Bob can laugh about it now too!:D
  8. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
  9. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Oh HELEN how could you!!!!!!!!!! naughty you are mind you I have done that too but with others permission. I have also seen others on my plot nicking the herbs but I give a blind eye to that as I have too much anyway. the best of it is they tell me after the act. i just laugh it off. We are a friendly bunch and are like a big happy family.

    THE MASTER Gardener

    Mar 20, 2008
    ive been elected as the site secratary of my allotment.
    im up there twice each day i do a full allotment walk about everyday i also encorage the other's to do walk abouts on each others plots . yes its a big site with only a few plots but we are all working together . we all look at wot eachother is diong but no one touches anyone else plot not even down to pulling out weeds.
    basicaly we talk about things before it is done . we are learning fast
    for eg . the howard rotorvator this one [​IMG]
    has hurt not only my son dean but also kaldeap . dean took a chunk out of his knee he is ok goona have a scare but the girls love a good scare
    kaldeap however came of a bit worse off he's ok but had to go to hospital . the howard fell over on uneven ground and he fell on the rottating blades.
    as its a shared rotervator , ive insisted that no one can use it without a spotter . im also going to put a safty device on the howard somthing like they have on speeway bikes or snow mobiles . simple plug in device that if you let go it cuts the engine.

  11. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    oooh that sounds nasty hope they get better soon. I think u should put that device on as it looks so dangerous and it would be horrible for someone else to get hurt.

    Hel I love reading your posts they're so amusing
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Master I'm not too keen on the scars but big machines roaring about the place.... yes sir that's my thing!:D

    Fancy honestly we do have Ray's permission to help ourselves but I always call it scrumping when we don't grow the veg ourselves even when all the guys are there (down on the allotment) and are falling over themselves running up and down their plots to try and out do each other filling carrier bag after carrier bag for me I always feel as if I have been 'on the rob' I tell them that and they fall about laughing!:D

    Thanx Little Miss life is far too short to be boring and I'm always game for a laugh even if the joke is on me!:thumb:
  13. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    The blades look pretty good on that rotivator Helen and I am sure the machine is about 50 years old. Dont make them like that anymore. yes you have to be careful with the old machines as they dont have safe guards. We bought a 'farmer' rotivator last november new and we are 4 who share it. Our allotment is 9 acres and 60 plots are active. I may be joining the commitee shortly.

    We had our allotment open day and competitions last saturday and raised £900 for our allotment fund. I made a few cakes for the stall and it went like 'hot cakes'

    I see you have the right idea by putting weed membrane down. We have it on our allotment and I wont go without it.
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Well here I thought only craziness could happen in our own back garden playing our funny games but now I can honestly say the allotment has now beaten all our home high jinks.

    Yesterday was so nice and made such a change from most poor Bank Holidays the weather was lovely and activities was sorted for the day car-boot first thing in the morning, pottering about our gardens for a few hours and then over to the allotment to end the day on a high didn't realise forces was working against us!:eek:

    As we approached the lottie we noticed someone was having a really huge bonfire it was all white smoke to top it off it appeared it was coming from near our plots, when we went up the track it turned out Bee Man (the guy next to our second plot) was the culprit I wouldn't have minded but he has two plots and doesn't 'work' them it just a ploy to keep his bees there. Anyway he was cutting his home hedge and bringing the live cuttings down to the plot to burn and didn't even think to stop with the fire while it blazed away really nice of him don't you think? We couldn't do anything in the smoke so to kill some time we had a powwow with Ray and Christine next door.

    A while past and the smoke cleared so we started to get some work done the farmer was busy in the fields around the plots cutting his crop with his combined harvester that drowned out the noise from the motorway and almost everything else.

    Bob and I started to really get into working away when all of a sudden there was a tremendous loud pop and I thought Bee Man had placed his fire over a canister when suddenly a dead pigeon dropped out of the sky less than four foot away from me to say I nearly cr*pped myself is an understatement!:eek:

    I looked around and ran up to Ray who was doing a fine impression of a shooter and nearly peeing himself at me but unless he was able to shoot real bullets from his fingers it wasn't Ray so who could it be?

    Then I saw the guy with the gun as he approached Bob to collect his kill I shouted down to him that he was a b*gger (honestly that's all I called him) and told him he frighten me half to death the poor guy was really sheepish and told Bob 'I'm really sorry I thought you all knew I was down here I'll go if you want mate' Bob told him no you are alright we are leaving in a short while but we are going to come round the other track to our car so if you see us don't think we are pigeons and take a pop at us!:D
  15. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Gosh Helen you must be steaming with all this goings on, and hears me thinking I wish we had a quiet allotment sometimes. I thought we are the only ones who have fun and games on our allotment but yours take the biscut. A month ago I saw 4 people just walking about at 11pm and I wanted to challenge them untill my hubby stopped me. He said did I want to get my head blown off. (my garden borders the allotment) May be they were ghosts!!!!!!!!!!!!

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