Bob & Hel's allotment

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Fancy now that sounds scary I mean who would knock about allotments at that time of night? I dare bet they were up to no good.

    I'm like you I would have been trying to see what they were up to and tried to challenge them where Bob would have been the one trying to hold me back, your hubby is right gone are the days where you could confront people more so at night because goodness knows what people are capable of doing these days.:eek:

    Bring back the power of the local Bobby where he would clip you round the ear if he found you up to no good and threaten to tell your parents may goodness that did work well although I was always a good girl.:rolleyes:
  2. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Cant see that kind of rough justice ever coming back, everything you do these days is up for scrutiny and then they start to sue. Sadly we are not living in the same world anymore you cant even smack your own kids. I mean a little smack.

    Helen I am being nominated to be a commitee member on the allotment. I am looking forward to that.
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Fancy fingers crossed you will be picked for the post as I'm pretty sure you will make a really fine member of the commitee, I dare bet most of the other members are men right?

    I have to admit Bob and I haven't been to a single commitee meeting it just falls wrong for us 10 Sunday morning and in one of the villiage pubs. We always go to a Car Boot on Sunday's and neither Bob or I drink professional but we never miss all the gossip that goes on at the meetings.:D
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    wow helen and bob great progress with the allotment well done
  5. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Helen I am going to my first meeting on Tuesday pm. The women on the commitee are older than us .We have recently had 12 young families with very small children taken up plots and they are doing fine. I dont think it is a flash in the pan. We the older ones share our produce with them so it does give them a bit of incentive to keep going and it is a good and safe place for children to play. The children are well behaved and the parents are responsible for ensuring their safety.

    We are already planning bonfire night on the lottie. it was a success last year. I dont know about your allotment but we also have juicy gossip going round which puts a smile on everyones face. its not what happenes behind the sheds. i must say it is clean fun.
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Well folks just a quick update.....honestly I will try my very best to keep it short but then again sometimes I just can't stop myself!:lollol:

    Well even though I haven't taken any pictures of late the lottie is coming on really nice we have had endless radishes I know it's one of the easiest things to grow but it's good to harvest something in your first outing as an allotmenteer and also pretty late on in the season too.

    A few of our beetroot are ready and we even tasted out very own carrots yesterday and very yummy they were too. The first large bed is all well planted up and everything has got that really full looking feeling to it that sure warms your heart and spurs you on to do more..... something us Newbies so badly need.

    The second bed has been dug over that many times now I have lost count I was going to put my Japanese onions in but I have fallen for that fault I'm sure happens to most of us and that's sowing far too many seedlings of cabbages and turnips I'll end up giving them away to the guys down on the plots that's for sure.

    After all the rain we have had this week I got quite a shock the other day as an area where everyone said would be unworkable turns out that's just what it is 'unworkable' me being too eager thought I would have ago anyway but the end result was just a huge boggy mess to say I was crestfallen about it is an understatement!:(

    To top it all off due to our plots being on a very steep slope it's blooming dangerous for us to walk down it when it's damp never mind wet, last time I had a fall I couldn't move for not good at all. If I did have a fall I think it would put me off trying to grow our own which would be such a great shame as it would be far too much for Bob to take on his own and he so enjoys the banter with the guys down there.

    While pondering the woes of a wet, steep site we met the club secretary who now realises we were not 'playing at it' personally I think he feels bad that we were given the worst plot on the site as everyone has been talking how well we have done.

    Anyway the secretary asked if we would like to exchange our second plot for a better one only problem is that is wouldn't be attached to our first plot we were none too keen so I said what about the paddocks that joins our plots and I couldn't believe it when he told us that we could have them straight away all 75 x 72 feet of it!

    Well I'm sure you know what's coming I have decided that although my intentions were good we will have to bow down to pressure and to safe my poor old back and get some machinery otherwise there will never be enough time in the world for me to hand dig our first plot as well as the new plot too.

    I think we may still get away with a couple of raised beds on our original plot but if not then I'll not cry too much over it.

    When I get a chance (or should I say remember) I'll take the camera over to show you all the fullness of the top bed......I'm sure even you skilled allotmenteers still get excited over a bed of veg because that's something that I hope will never leave me the excitement of growing our own veg!
  7. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Blimey Helen, just caught up with this. You do like hard work don't you?:)You'll have to get some machinery mate or you'll both be knackered.

    You'll be opening up an organic shop on site soon:) I'm so glad you & Bob are enjoying it. Just don't forget the camera:dh: then we can all see what you've gotten into, lol. I don't know what to suggest about the beekeeper, I suppose if he's been doing it for a while then people are turning a blind eye.

    Keep us posted. Speak soon :luv:
  8. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    blimey hell you said keep it short ..:lollol::lollol:i had two brews glad your enjoying it so much,, all the best to bob:thmb:
  9. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Had a lovely weekend at the allotment caught up with a few chores. The compost bins are full to overflowing and there is more to go in it. Bought a bag of lime from our allotment hut for £4 and a 25 kg bag of growmore for £7.
  10. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi all due to the nice weather these couple of days we have managed to put in some hours over at the allotment the shed is done (well almost) we have been very well looked after by the guys down there one of them has helped Bob to do the roof and another one has dropped us off a couple of chairs for us.... isn't that lovely?:)

    A couple of evenings ago we saw a young lad in a boy racer car and an old fellow talking down the track, Bob and I didn't know either of them which is really strange as I know nearly all of the guys and girls down on the plots. I told Bob I would find out who and what they were up to so off I went imagine my surprise to find out the young lad wasn't the problem (as he and his mum and dad had just taken on No.17 you know the one Bob and I turned down a few weeks ago) the old fellow was the problem!

    The fellow was looking for some turnips for his wife as he claimed the supermarkets prices were too dear, I told him nobody on the plots had any turnips and if he wanted to have some veg maybe he should grab a plot while there are still a couple available, I said it nicely of course!

    Then he gave me the old line he had got this and that wrong with him and I shot him down right away telling him that it was an unwritten rule and legal requirement that all plot owners had to have at least one foot in the grave to get a plot! I really can't believe how I managed to keep a straight face while all the time I could hear Bob struggling to stop himself from giggling behind my back!:D

    I was amazed that it was the old fellow up to no good I mean his eyes were scanning everywhere and there was nobody about working their plots only Ray (on the plot at the side of us) if the old fellow really wanted to ask a kind soul for some veg surely he would have gone to Ray? After that Bob and I kept a watchful eye over our good buddy Ray until he was ready to pack up and go home as that old fellow made us feel very uncomfortable indeed for the lovely Ray's safety.

    Anyway enough of the doom and gloom here's a photo I took of the top bed a week or so ago the second bed is nearly full now as I have planted endless rows of jap. onions etc.

    Just got to get a lock for the shed over the weekend and I'll take another picture of it as I took one when Bob got the main shell up so you may judge the difference and see how it was built. Keep tuned folks and happy digging!:thmb:
  11. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi Helen,
    Well, I know exactly what you mean - sometimes older people aren't the 'nice old folk' one expects are they? Well done to you for keeping an eye on things:) Cheeky blighter wasn't he! I hope things don't start disappearing from your patche/s. You'll be on security duty soon:)

    Seriously, I hope everyone there knows what to watch out for and maybe even get the 'boy racers' to keep an eye out for this 'nicker' or more like him!

    You are doing so well. Congrats mate.

  12. Scotkat

    Scotkat Head Gardener

    Aug 11, 2006
    Oh my Dear Helen can see a nice pot of soup there.

    Watch out for that old fellow yes supermarkets prices gettign sky high.

    I tasted my baby carrots last night and the taste was tasty.
  13. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Thanx girls you are so very kind. Sandra we must play catch-up soon sweetie.:wink:

    Well it had to happen sooner or later having an allotment on a slope and me having a constant battle with back problems (thank goodness for drugs...Yippee!). Yes you have probably guessed it by now I have had a fall, my first down on the allotments so far but I'm sure it will not be my last!:(

    I was walking past our shed which is on only a slight slope as it's down right at the bottom of our No.1 plot and fell right on my butt and to topped it all off I had an audience how embarrassing!:doh:

    Thankfully I was able to save myself at the last minute (something worthy of an Olympic gold medal me thinks) and fell on my right side (my good side) the ground was pretty soft due to all the rain so I kind of bounced thinking about it now it sounds blooming hilarious...poor Bob was horrified and like my true knight in shinning armour came to my rescue and gallantly scooped me up after which he promptly put down some skid proof covering.

    The whole of my reverse was left resembling as if I had a little 'toilet' accident well not a little one but a blooming HUGE one! Not a pretty sight I can tell you I just thank goodness we took the car over otherwise I would have died of embarrassment walking through the estate!:D

    You know the old saying if it's going to happen it's going to happen.. to me!
  14. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    Awww Hel hope you're not too bruised. U must be more careful :luv: especially with your back. I hope the audience didn't laugh
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Thanx Little Miss no I was incredibly lucky (for a change) and had no ill effects from the fall, as for the 'audience' it was young Alan a youth who works two plots on the allotment who it appears seems to see Bob and I as a lovable substitute mum and dad which is kind of cute.

    Needless to say I kick Alan's butt into working his plots and he is coming on really well now and it's pretty handy for Bob and I to have Alan about him being a big strapping lad and all, although I have to admit it's a good job both my boys are giants so I know how to control them because Alan is a 6 footer too!:D

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