Bob & Hel's allotment

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Ohh ah Helen:hehe::dh:

  2. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    I took these pics two days ago of my back garden and our allotments beyound my back garden.


  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    My goodness sweetie smashing pictures and what a view!

    You are really quite lucky to have your allotment just over the garden fence I have to admit you don't get better than that. :wink:

    I do wonder though do your have a motion camera aimed on your allotment that sets off a warning siren to scare intruders off and then maybe a self loading sling shot that fires dung at them?:hehe:
  4. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Helen I am seriously thinking about it but I can see whats going on from my back bedroom window. The pics were taken from here.
  5. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    Hi Helen,

    Seems your having lots of fun on your allotment, I'm thinking I will have one in the future. Not this year maybe next as I still have too much to do in my home garden and other chores yet.

    Can I ask why you have two plots though, was one not enough to feed the two of you?

  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Lol sweetie and here I thought I was the only nosey person on here...Big it up for us curtain twitchers!:gnthb::hehe:

    Hi Steve of course life is for having fun in fact Bob and I do try to have as much as possible.

    We really have 3 plots; one the poorest plot on the site and the Paddocks which are two in one all are linked together via a gate, we did have another one (next to our original plot) but gave that up when we were given the option of the Paddocks, only problem now is that Bob's thinking about getting that other one back...allotment domination!:dh:

    Bob's just about promised everyone on our street some veg this year so nothing will go to waste good job really as our two boys are not really into their veg.

    If you are 'thinking' about maybe wanting an allotment in the future then go and put your name down now as most places do have waiting lists such as the village next to us it has a ten waiting list!

    We only got 'lucky' because around our village there are three sites and more importantly nobody was prepared to take our plot on as it had not been touched for 30 years so you can imagine what we had to deal with. If you go (Saturday mornings are a good time) and put your name down tell the guys there what you are willing to work on, if you want a nice plot you are going to have to wait a while.

    Fear not Steve we have yet or should I say 'Bob' to finish many home projects in our own three gardens; decks to be built, drive to be finished, paths to be laid and then there's the messy front to sort out never mind the allotments....but saying that keeping busy takes your mind of other 'stuff' that if you let it would ruin your life.

    Keep busy and enjoy yourself!:wink:
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi all lovely day yesterday so I thought it would be the ideal time to remove the black weed cover on the proposed onion & carrot bed. So after 15 years of not being worked and two hours later one 19ft x 26ft bed was just 4ft short of having it's first full dig via me and my trusty spade.

    The guys did pull my leg a bit because 3 quarters of the way through they told me I had been working for two hours and I was very crest fallen as I felt I haven't done anywhere near enough but then the cheeky swines told me only 1hr 15mins had passed so I knuckled down and cracked on....I was really pleased with how much I dug and will be going back to do some more later on after all us girls gotta to show the boys we can talk but can also crack on!:hehe:

    I ddi fall into the trap being a newbie alnd all that there would be planty of time to work the plot after Christmas but this year I'm not falling for that one going make sure I turn everything over that can be turned before winter sets in.
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi all such a long time since my last update I thought you all might like to see how things are coming along down on our plots so here goes!


    Now looks like this....
    you can just see Bob messing around with one of the compost bins!
    Can't believe how we have come along since getting it last September and it hadn't been worked for 15 years plus so newbies bear note where there's a will there's a way don't dismiss a plot that needs an awful lot of work if Bob and I can do it anyone can.

    My flower bed (don't know the size of it) something every girl should have.
    I am growing Nasturtiums 'Tom Thumb mix, my own Marigolds collected from seed last year, Godetia 'Dwarf mix', Sunflower 'Evening Sun' and Sunflower Giant Single'. Honest we are going to remove all the grassy weed area behind this flower time!

    This is Bed 4 (19ft x 26ft) the first of two onion and roots. In this one we have; Chives (my own seed), Carrots 'Early Nantes 5', 'Autumn King 2', , Marigolds (my own again), No end of rows of onions 'Sturon' split up between the rows of the rooots, a couple of rows of 'Ishikurn' bunching onions, Beetroot 'Detroit 2', Salsify, Eleplant Garlic, normal Garlic, Radish 'Mooli Mino', 'Frenchbreakfast 3'.

    Bed 3 is the Brassica patch (19ft x 30ft) most of which are under netting and what isn't has collars to protect them from the birds etc.
    In this bed we are growing Brussel Sprouts given to us from one of our buddies sadly they didn't remember what they were called, Cabbage - 'Golden Acre Primo II', 'Greyhound', 'Ormskirk' savoy, 'Holland Winter White', Cauliflower 'All Year Round' and the very yummy broccoli 'Romanesco'.
  9. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    This next picture is Bed 1 ((19ft x 30ft) and it was going to be the potato and tomato bed but I ran out of room for the tomatoes!

    It has the following taties in it; Pentland Javelin, Arran Pilot, International Kidney, Nicola, Smile Maris Peer (I think? its a main crop anyway) and a row of potatoes from the local farm for fun! There's a couple of rows in our top plot of Rockets.

    This is Bed 2 (19ft x 30ft) again in contains Onions we do so love them they are the following; 'Stuttgarter', Turbo, Red Onions 'Red Karmen', 'Red Baron' and Shallots 'Golden Gourmet'
    You can just see part of the Legumes bed over the other side of Bed 2 I am a little behind with my beans I have got them ready for planting just haven't done it yet!:doh:

    There's a quick look at our original top plot which got water logged Bob has made me raised beds out of old council garage doors and chipps from my s.i.l. covers the boggy area really well now.

    Once the top beds have harvest the couple rows of tatties, last of the cabbages and Jap. onions there room to plant other stuff!
  10. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    Location: gods County of Yorkshire
    Would you look at them onions... you must be a fan and love your onions..
    Looking good after a lot of hard work
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    wow helen what a difference its very full, you will have some things to eat on that allotment, well done just brill, thanks for sharing your updated plots
  12. high kype

    high kype Gardener

    Oct 24, 2006
    well done both of you what a difference :gnthb::gnthb:
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hel,your plots are fantastic.:yho:Well done in turning the plots around and making something of them as I know what hard work allotmenteering is.You and your family will enjoy the fruits{and vegs} of all your hard work:gnthb::luv:
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Many thanx Capney, Rosa, High Kype, Kandy.

    Yes indeed Robert we sure do love our onions I do get a ribbing from the guys down on the plots who swear there's too many but I just laugh it off and tell them almost every day I'll use onions in some kind of very yummy!

    Rosa before last year I wouldn't have dreamed of the difference taste-wise with growing your own it truly is such a vast difference from shop brought veg, I can not praise growing your own enough!

    High Kype we're getting there although would you believe it Bob's got his eye on the two other plots no one is willing to try to cultivate!
    I told him I would take them on and once the work is done pass them on to people who would like an allotment but not the work involved of one from scratch but Bob said no way if somebody can't be bothered to work a plot they don't deserve one...I can see he's point I suppose.

    Kandy we do have a fruit bed but I think it will have to double it's space over the next year because you can never have enough raspberries or strawberries. Our strawberries aren't in the fruit bed at the moment but raised beds. In our fruit bed we have Red Currants, Black Currants, Red Gooseberries, Tayberries, Thornless Blackberries, Rhubarb and of course raspberries!
  15. Scotkat

    Scotkat Head Gardener

    Aug 11, 2006
    :cl-p: :cl-p: :cl-p: well done Helen & Bob :)

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