Box moth

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by pete, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    I spotted a moth on my ceiling last summer didn't make the connection at the time.
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    • DaveMK

      DaveMK Apprentice Gardener

      Apr 21, 2020
      I've finally given up the unequal struggle, and will ditch my dozen box as soon as I complete more urgent jobs. They were our pride and joy, but it was heart-breaking to watch them become eaten just as they were mature enough to be trimmed into one lovely shape. I pulled off over 200 caterpillars, and cut the bushes to the ground. They started regrowing but I was anxious to find a preventative spray. Apparently there isn't one. I researched and was aware of the TopBuxus which isn't licenced here, and isn't preventative as such but has to reapplied more than once each season apparently. Used in conjunction with the pheromone traps, again possibly 3 times each year, I watched a YouTube video I could recommend which showed the annual expense involved, plus the lady's obvious pain in watching the dreaded net of disease appear time after time. It was titled "you have beaten me", and I decided like her not to continue putting myself through the pain, but to dig them out and give up. I'd already looked at alternatives. I spent a lovely afternoon at Batsford Arboretum last summer and noticed a good offer on Ilex Crenata, so bought a dozen tiny ones. I'm now doubtful whether they'll be nice enough, but whatever, the box are coming out. Unfortunately the roots are massive for the size of plant, so it'll take a while at my advanced age, and leave me needing massive amounts of soil to fill the holes.
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      • lolimac

        lolimac Total Gardener

        Feb 4, 2019
        East Riding of Yorkshire
        Don't get me started on Box moth...Grrrrr....I have religiously tried to protect my Box from Blight over the years but Box moth is a serious pain in the 'artichoke' was kept at bay for long enough when I had chooks roaming they spent most of their time with their heads buried in the hedges scoffing the lot with much excitement but in the last 2 years since I no longer have them all the little :mute: are trying to have a field day:gaah:
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