Brexit - am I stupid or what?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by PeterS, Dec 16, 2017.

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  1. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    Yeah, I do wonder if all those people that have demonstrated against Brexit realise just how damaging their actions are. After all, the EU are clearly wanting to punish us and make it as hard as possible for us to leave - - our own people, out in the streets, demonstrating against us leaving only strengthens the thinking of those in the EU.

    This country needs a leader with the balls to tell the EU to shove off, then get back to basics such as housing, schooling, farming, defence and nursing; then make sure that we don't let more people in than we currently have the capacity to cater for, and finally renationalise transport, water and energy.
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      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      To be honest, it has never really been important as to what the plan for leaving the EU would be:dunno::doh: The problem from the start, and right now, is that the EU was/is never going to make it easy for BREXIT negotiations and would have disagreed with anything put forward. They, [the unelected EU Bureaucrats], cannot afford to let the UK leave the EU without penalising it as they have the rest of the increasingly unhappy EU members looking on.
      No matter how we look at it, we've never been a full member of the EU as we opted out of the Euro currency and kept with good old Sterling. Germany and France have always held the reins in the EU politics and the UK has never really had a real say due to our desire to remain partially independent and that has shown in that our economic growth and power has not really grown in parallel to the two main EU countries.
      But what has happened is the the UK industry and, more importantly, the younger UK population who have not known anything other than the induced dependency mentality of the EU, have been more entangled and tethered to, both mentally and financially, to the EU. We also seem to forget that there are a lot of large organisations, and individuals of power, whose financial and political agendas are linked to staying with the EU rather than what might be best for the UK.
      So forget the political hot air, dancing, posturing, resignations, that seem to be throwing dust in our eyes and diverting us into blaming our Politicians, of whatever colour, for our present position, even though that is partially true, the reality is that no matter what "perfect" plan is presented to the EU, the EU will turn it down, call it unworkable, and present a wall of barriers that have been there from Day One.
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      • Fat Controller

        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

        May 5, 2012
        Public Transport
        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
        Five MP resignations and counting.......
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        • pete

          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

          Jan 9, 2005
          Mid Kent
          Do you actually think the EU has had a chance to punish us??
          Ok, sure they have not been great about the idea, but that was to be expected.

          The main influence has been from with the UK, not putting up a united front to aid negotiations with the EU.
          David Davis should have thrown his hand in about 18 months ago, how can you be expected to negotiate from such a position, he had his back against the wall from day one.

          I dont blame the EU, I blame the UK, we voted, but it was never going to be put into practice.
          It just didn't fit with the hierarchy that actually run this country.
          • Agree Agree x 4
          • clanless

            clanless Total Gardener

            Jan 20, 2013
            Gentleman of leisure.
            North Wales
            Well, I still say the intention always was to go for a no deal brexit - it will hurt the EU as much as it will hurt us - but then Trump seems to think that tariffs are a good idea - so it can't be that bad.

            A no deal brexit also means that the EU will have a MASSIVE hole in their 2019 budget - the silly sods assumed that we would still be contributing in 2019 because we will have hammered out a deal.

            I think that the EU will drastically change their approach as we draw closer to 29th March 2019. Tes was very clear at PM's questions today - we will leave the EU on this date.

            Jez and them lot need to support the PM - they're constantly attacking and denegrating Tes - we must look like a right load of numpties to the EU. Not that Ang is having an easy time anyway.
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            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              Pete, whenever have we had a united front from political parties on any issue??? I can't think of any time in British Political history where all parties have come together.
              I guess it's in our blood to question ourselves, doubt ourselves, denigrate ourselves while our opponents look on, chuckle and rejoice. The EU has resisted the BREXIT decision from the very start, dismissing any options as foolish or unworkable, and we've gone along with that as a Nation, in the Media and even on threads like this on GC. We criticise our Government, MPs of all parties, while being divided among the British people and turning our frustration on the very people who have been working to negotiate an impossible situation of trying negotiate with unelected officials of an organisation that is determined to give us as little as they can while demanding as much as they can from the UK. A united front has to start with the British public supporting the Government no matter what. Has that happened?, no of course it hasn't.:wallbanging: The Media has attacked and questioned every twist and turn, every plan, given judgement and then questioned just about every person in the negotiations in their ability and their political future, instead of supporting and bolstering confidence in our own abilities to prosper without an organisation that is showing it's true beliefs and views about our past and present position in the EU.
              So, there we are questioning, unsupportive, undermining, the British negotiators of BREXIT, while hanging onto the words of the EU negotiators who's only aim is to give us the least they can, and yet I have to look carefully to see any criticism of the EU's attitude, tricks, barriers, and refusal to negotiate fairly. You want a unified front. pete??:scratch: Then I suggest we all take an long, and honest, look in the mirror and realise it starts with us and that we, Joe Public, is as much to blame for not presenting a unified front to the EU from the start while bemoaning, belittling, and being totally negative about our government, it negotiators while not even mentioning the EU attitude, apart from dismissing it by saying "well, that's what we expect from then" and accepting it.:doh:
            • clanless

              clanless Total Gardener

              Jan 20, 2013
              Gentleman of leisure.
              North Wales
              I have to agree with Pete - we go into negotiations with a weak hand - which is exploited by the EU - because our negotiator doesn't have any authority or backing. Not a good starting point for any negotiation.

              Jez needs to zip it up and show some support the Tes - he'll end up rejecting any deal and we'll end up with a no deal brexit - I wouldn't be surprised at all if this happens.

              I'm all for MP's arguing their point - but they need to realise that brexit is a game changer and amend their approach accordingly.
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              • ARMANDII

                ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                Jan 12, 2019
                Those two comments. clanless, seem to clash "we have a weak hand" and "it will hurt the EU as much as it will hurt us" :dunno: If it will, as you say, hurt the EU as much as it will hurt us then that makes it even and negates the "weak hand". But despite that we seem to adopt the underdog position and start "biting at our own wounds" instead of biting the dog growling at us.

                My point, originally, was that the government was being criticised for not presenting a unified front while we on the street have never presented a unified front and supported the government and yet we have not even bothered to criticise the EU but doff our caps to them and say they have a stronger hand. Even with BREXIT the UK needs European trade and Europe needs UK trade. Industry and money are both entwined in the EU and the UK and can't be cut at the stroke of a political knife as both will suffer, the Industry, the Financial Services know it, and they have let the EU and the UK government know it.
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                • Mike Allen

                  Mike Allen Total Gardener

                  Jan 4, 2014
                  Retired. Plant Pathologist.
                  Eltham. SE. London
                  To be honest. I'm sick and tired of all this Brexit stuff. From start to now finish, there have been so many lies. Basically the setting up if the Common Market/ EU was nothing less thand a contract, between various European nations. In part this was a chance to rebuild Europe after WW2 and to establish an era of peace and security. So be it. Rebuilding europe brick by brick, resulted in many skilled Brits working across the channnel. Germany for instance was basically being rebuilt whilst the bombs were still falling, and after the all clear. We continued to rebuild Gremany and France whilst years and years later parts of London remained as bomb sites.
                  Returning to contracts and agreements etc. Under UK law. Firms, companies when setting up, have to conform to set rules and regulations. 'Articles of Memorandum' 'Articles of Association' also have to be set up and incorporated. Briefly,within these documents, agreed terms, conditions, rights and wrongs and heaven know what else is covered, set in stone etc.

                  So the chaiman of the EU Committe announces. Britain has submitted notice that as a EU Nation, it now wishes to leave. We feel sadly about this. We must now consult our 'Articles'

                  In the latter should be set out and totally having been agreed to, the conditions applicable to such a severence.

                  What have we witnessed? Britain standing naked in the witness box.

                  Hey Bruxells. This is not a court of law. Brits want out. Never mind the if's and buts.

                  I feel that Britain fell at the first fence. We allowed the EU powers to come in fast and furious. Suddenly all manner of obstacles cropped up. Where did they come from? The saga continues.
                  Local media is quick to ltach on. Boris said, it's like polishing a turd. another quote, Boris used the F word. Media fantacy. OK BBC. what did Boris mean/imply by his remark. SILENCE.

                  Stop begging to the EU. Stuff the after affects. We are leaving. and that's that.
                • Scrungee

                  Scrungee Well known for it

                  Dec 5, 2010
                  Central England on heavy clay soil
                  This is your man or that policy :dbgrtmb:


                  Plus his party say's they'd negotiate a much, much better deal than our existing government :snorky:

                  • Funny Funny x 2
                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    Interesting shot. It can show different things depending on your opinion of him.

                    To me it shows either 'determined', 'sly' or 'scary'. Take your pick!
                  • Fat Controller

                    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                    May 5, 2012
                    Public Transport
                    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                    No he is not - and therein lies my point. ALL conventional politicians are utterly useless, and time and again they demonstrate that they are only ever in politics for their own benefit. Any plans that are made are made in the relatively short term - no one has the balls to set a course that is going to take 30 - 50 years to see through, but in my opinion it is that longer term approach that is needed.

                    Do we need to be able to trade with countries in Europe? Yes, clearly we do. But, that should not be done in such a way that we cannot trade with other countries around the world. If you wanted to go shopping at Tesco and they only allowed you to buy stuff from them if you signed a contract that said you would never be able to shop with Asda, Morrisons, M&S etc, would you sign it? Let us also not forget that for all the EU postulate about their high standards when it comes to trade and products, that they presided over the horse meat scandal, the VW/Audi emissions scandal, the Daimler/Mercedes monkey gassing scandal, and now a listeria outbreak that they have kept quiet for over 2 years. Yeah, their standards are really worth sticking to......

                    For this country to have a chance, we need to grow a pair and not be afraid to tell those unelected, pompous eejits in Brussels just exactly where they can shove their complex demands; we need to look beyond Brussels and the EU and do more trade with the likes of the US, Japan, Australia and even China; we need to also look inwardly and sort out our housing, invest in our farmers so we have a reasonably stable food chain, sort out our NHS (and stop spending money on things like sex change ops for a starter for ten), and properly beef up our armed forces - - long term stuff, not silly wee policies that will be implemented in a couple of years.
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                    • clanless

                      clanless Total Gardener

                      Jan 20, 2013
                      Gentleman of leisure.
                      North Wales
                      But your argument is based upon logic - there's a lot of emotional baggage getting in the way of negotiations - the EU want to punish the UK even if it to their detriment.

                      The EU are playing hard ball now - we'll see what happens closer to 29th - when their business leaders start bottom kicking.

                      I agree - those conducting the negotiations should be united - it is down to the MP's of all parties - the Government has been instructed to leave the EU - there seems to be so much in fighting that we will end up leaving with no deal. There will never be a united public front - because people are entitled to express their personal views - not so the MP's. MP's are there to follow the instructions of the majority - they should be united in supporting our exit - regardless of how their individual constituency voted.
                      • Agree Agree x 1
                      • clanless

                        clanless Total Gardener

                        Jan 20, 2013
                        Gentleman of leisure.
                        North Wales
                        They don't want us to leave - because we are one of the major funders. Problem is, putting up obstacles ends up in a no deal brexit - and no more GBP going into EU coffers after 29th.

                        I saw on the news the other day - the old argument that we need another referendum on the final deal - because those who voted leave didn't fully understand the potential consequences. Insulting.
                        • Agree Agree x 2
                          Last edited: Jul 10, 2018
                        • Fat Controller

                          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                          May 5, 2012
                          Public Transport
                          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                          Not only insulting, clanless, but to do so would fly in the face of democracy. Votes were cast, and the outcome was decided by those votes; we cannot decide to return to the polls because they didn't get the 'right' answer (according to those who believe the vote to leave was wrong).

                          I must admit that the way people behave at the moment really gets on my wick - - these so called 'liberal' people who are accepting of everything....... everything, except when you have an opinion that disagrees with theirs. And then there is the quite extreme reactions - vegans that are targetting restaurants with threats of damage or violence because they sell meat....... really liberal!
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