Brexit -am I stupid or what

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Dec 10, 2018.

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  1. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    BBC Parliament is interesting, if quiet at the moment - I am very, very intrigued by the proposal for a debate on Labour's new policy to have quite literally no immigration controls, to allow anyone and everyone from anywhere in the world free access to the UK, free access to our healthcare system, free access to our benefits system and also free access to vote!

    Personally, I would much rather see them become a UK citizen first, and to have at least some degree of control on the numbers of people that do come here.
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    • clanless

      clanless Total Gardener

      Jan 20, 2013
      Gentleman of leisure.
      North Wales
      On the Parliament channel:

      Back bencher - "If all the conditions of the Benn Bill are met, will you write to the EU and request an extension?"

      Boris - "No".

      He's been heavily hinting at a deal - we will know for sure in 3 weeks.

      Go Boris Go :yay:
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      • Sheal

        Sheal Total Gardener

        Feb 2, 2011
        Dingwall, Ross-shire
        This is madness! Have Labour members forgotten we live on an island? It's at bursting point now with the influx of immigrants, how many more can Britain take before we have total collapse of infrastructure, our health system etc.

        And I'd just like to clarify before the racism finger gets pointed at me, I have a multi-national family, living both here in Britain and abroad.
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        • ARMANDII

          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

          Jan 12, 2019
          It seems to me, Sheal, that Labour under the control of the extremists are turning more and more people against them and in a General Election would come behind the Liberals.

          I don't think anyone in the Gang has ever thought that, Sheal.
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          • Mike Allen

            Mike Allen Total Gardener

            Jan 4, 2014
            Retired. Plant Pathologist.
            Eltham. SE. London
            I only saw a few minutes of the PM's performance today. I find myself agreeing with not only the PM but also the Attorney General. What a great voice. IMO. This should never have been entertained by the Supreme Court. Advice was correctly sought of the most senior judge and also the Master of the Rolls. Both pointing out, this is/was a matter for Parliament. Not a case for the judicuary. HM Gov. is the political party voted in by the public. Parliament is the collective body of MP's in the house. Procedure is. HM Gov. come up with a plan. Parliament then vote to accept or reject. If accepted, then it passes to the House of Lords. If accepted then it is put before HM for Royal ascent. Gaining that, it then become law and is put into the statute books.

            It then and only then that, offences against said law etc etc fall into the remit of the judiciary. Hence the wording may be. You have committed an offence of; contrary to sec?? of the ?? law.

            In this instance. It appears that a case was submitted to the Supreme Court. IMHO The senior clerk to the court, should have refused acceptance. On the simple basis that. No law had been broken. No offence had been purpertrated, why? Because NO LAW, STATUTE existed.

            IMO I feel that the members of the Supreme Court, somehow lost their way. Their immediate response should have been the same as The Lord Chief Justice and The Master of the Rolls.

            Sadly although entertaining via TV etc. Here the Judges of the Supreme Court have made an almighty BOOB and I feel that this kind of so-called legal in tervention is going to flare up, time and again in the future.
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            • Sheal

              Sheal Total Gardener

              Feb 2, 2011
              Dingwall, Ross-shire
              I think extremists is the correct description. They certainly come up with some extreme ideas that surely nobody in their right mind would support, or would they? The Labour Party is doing itself more and more damage as time passes and I agree with you, would lose support in a General Election. Catweazle aka Jeremy Corbyn as leader is doing them no favours either, he hasn't got a clue!

              It's twenty seven years since I last had the option to vote in a British General Election or Referendum. Back then the choices were definable but now I really don't know which way I'd vote.
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              • Fat Controller

                Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                May 5, 2012
                Public Transport
                At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                I am quite dismayed that in some ways I have paid in toward the Labour party arriving where it has today - I pulled my TU membership in June after seeing a fairly elderly chap getting hauled to the ground when Donald Trump visited the UK, and it was done by people attending a march that was arranged by the TU I was a member of in conjunction with the Labour party.

                I have, for my entire life, considered myself to be centre-left, but quite suddenly and as a result of choosing to vote Leave, I am apparently considered to be not only right-leaning, but even extreme right. As mentioned before, I have seen fellow Leave voters called Nazis, facists, racists, extreme right propagandists, White Supremacists, Putin's Little Helpers, too stupid to know what we voted for, to stupid to vote at all and so on.

                I am happy to be corrected on my history, of course, but it is my understanding that the Nazi party was a socialist party, and their leader Adolf Hitler got into power as part of a caretaker government, and they then subsequently went off down the path that they did where they were essentially trying to take control of the whole of Europe (and more if they could); furthermore, when votes went against their narrative, they ignored the result and pressed on regardless.

                Today, we have what started as a trading bloc now taking parliamentary control over member states and taking more and more control of Europe and disguising that under the heading of 'ever closer union', we have calls for an un-elected 'government of national unity', we have a parliament that is incapable of carrying out the instruction given to it at the ballot box, we have elected members of parliament willingly going against the majority of voters in their constituencies and the manifestos on which they stood to be elected, and we have elected MP's openly stating on broadcast TV that they would not accept the result of a second referendum if that result was remain (Jo Swinson being one). We even have a party which has declared that if they are elected, they will simply revoke article 50 and disregard the vote of 17.4 million people of this country. We have Labour activists, the related 'antifa' mob and groups such as extinction rebellion that are shouting down others opinions, battering people in the streets and brainwashing our children into believing their narrative; it is probably best that I don't even get started on the subject of people (especially children) being allowed to 'identify' as a different sex, or something that they choose to make up; don't get me wrong, if someone is trans-sexual or wishes to change their sex, then that is up to them - but that is a matter of privacy, and we certainly shouldn't have children making decisions like that. The trouble is, God help you if you go against these narratives as you will have one mob or another on your back, baying for your resignation or battering you in the street. Funny how those who claim to be so Liberal seem to be so intolerant. :dunno:

                From where I am sitting, it is not I who has moved to the right, but simply that the left has moved much, much further left.

                For the record, I don't care where someone comes from, the colour of their skin, their religion, their age, their sex, their sexuality - none of it matters a jot. If people wish to come to the UK and live and work here, they are welcome to do so, and I strongly believe that they should be able to practice their own traditions wherever possible as long as they are legal and do not disrupt others. I do, however, also strongly believe that there should be a simple numerical limit on the number of people we can accept, and that the limits should be variable to allow infrastructure (housing, water supply, drainage etc) to keep pace; I equally believe that the traditions and values of this country should be upheld and be something to be proud of - if that makes me a far right racist, then so be it.

                Are there racists who are leave voters? Yes. But they exist on the remain side too. Are their nutters on the leave side? Yes. But they exist on the remain side too. Are there extreme right wingers on the leave side? Yes. But they exist on the remain side too. I could go on.

                As I have said before, and only going by snippets I am seeing and reading around the internet, I do genuinely fear that things will turn very, very sour if our political classes do not take their heads out of the sand, and do what they were requested to do at the ballot box. If they fail to do so, I would say it is the end of democracy as we know it, and there is likely to be direct action taken of some variety or other.
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                • Loofah

                  Loofah Admin Staff Member

                  Feb 20, 2008
                  Oh, me too please! But could we make it two hours around 11:15? The rugby's on y'see and...

                  Boris used no language or inference that hasn't been seen before in that room. The place is world-renowned for their caterwauling, bluff repose and general pomposity in deliverance of an argument. What's different now is the power of social media and the immediate response from the public. It's as if the general public can't tell the difference between voting on pop idol and the importance of debate in parliament. It's making all the MP's act in a very 'oh I'm offended!' manner. Well, I find that offensive in itself and they can damn well go jump in a lake for all the good their doing.

                  Imbecilic Corbyn. He can't make a decision on anything so he lets everyone in and thinks it's genius. He won't answer a direct question, he can't decide for himself and comes across as a very shady man indeed. No way in heck I'll bring myself to vote that man into office but he'll get booted out soon anyway (being too blind to his own incompetence to resign)

                  Completely agree with Mike above - Supreme Court should have toed this into the long grass but there we go - the influence of popular culture and possibly high powered behind the scene shenanigans. I also agree with Boris sticking to his guns, as did the AG and calls for apology are plain daft to me.

                  It will be interesting to watch it unfold (unravel?) with it almost being parliament vs Johnson; the absurdity is that they have no other plan. None, they have NOTHING and yet they want to smear and bring the world down around Boris. Surely they realise thy're accomplishing nothing at all? No they probably don't :(

                  Perhaps its time to remove it from parliament as parliament did to government? They have more or less convinced me they're incapable of doing it so we should remove it. That could only be in the form of a vote and here we are again...
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                  • Scrungee

                    Scrungee Well known for it

                    Dec 5, 2010
                    Central England on heavy clay soil
                    Can't Boris appeal the Supreme Court decision in the European Court of Justice? :stirpot:
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                    • Loofah

                      Loofah Admin Staff Member

                      Feb 20, 2008
                    • ARMANDII

                      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                      Jan 12, 2019
                      Ken Clarke is on Sky News "All Out Politics" saying the same thing. Clarke is, in my opinion, a person who has made millions out of being a Politician/Businness with large international business connections and part of the Establshment that believes the man on the street are rabble rather than people they owe a duty to.
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                      • Loofah

                        Loofah Admin Staff Member

                        Feb 20, 2008
                        And what's all this bs about Jo Cox? Yes it was tragic but it has zero bearing on Brexit and how very dare they start to use her within their petty musings; the opposition is just continuing to try portray the PM in worst light while distracting from their own agenda and lack of plan.
                        • Agree Agree x 5
                        • ARMANDII

                          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                          Jan 12, 2019
                          The Lady MP who brought Jo's name into the row by shouting and ranting in the House is on TV now and say's that she was highlighting how much danger MP's are now in with death threats etc induced by the remarks of Boris........which, of course, is a load of Tosh. Jo's name should never have been "politicised" by dragging her name into it and I don't think a sincere person like Jo Cox:love30: would have approved.
                          The MP's, yet again, are screaming about the way Boris has spoken in frank and direct language to them which we understand but they find truthful and because of that, Offensive . They were shouting "Liar, Betrayer, Cheat, etc" and worse at him and at no time did Boris flinch but he kept calm and spoke about the situation in the way Brexiteers think of the present refusal of MPs to honour the Referendum and the whole public's deep contempt of them. Boris speaks bluntly, but without using offensive language, which the rest of the House did not, and echoing what the man on the street is thinking and saying........and the MPs have lost any connection with the man on the street by retreating to the isolated and privileged world of Parliament. It was shouted in Parliament that Boris was the problem in the mental lockdown of Brexit but, in my opinion for the last 3 years it has been the MP's ignoring and not honouring the results of the Brexit Referendum.:cat-kittyandsmiley::coffee:
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                          • Loofah

                            Loofah Admin Staff Member

                            Feb 20, 2008
                            I wonder what they'd all say if Boris came in, gave a big sigh and said 'Alright, I apologise for my language that has been interpreted it the way it has. It is clear you are against a no deal Brexit - now, today, what is YOUR detailed plan to secure the deal?'

                            Red faces all round... and I guarantee that they'd continue to argue amongst themselves and never give the plan (because it doesn't exist)
                            • Agree Agree x 5
                            • ARMANDII

                              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                              Jan 12, 2019
                              I think whatever Boris had said or says it has been, and will be, interpreted negatively by all the MP's who oppose BREXIT with or without a deal no matter what he says, Loofah. The Newspapers and TV media seem to be concentrating, negatively, on the way Boris has spoken bluntly but honestly in Parliament, while the way the MP's behaved, screaming insults and oaths at Boris appears to have been brushed aside. The fact that he is using frank, clear, understandable language rather than the usual vague, Parliamentary deliberate Mumbo Jumbo is plainly alarming MP's as they usually only hear that from the man/woman on the street who they can patronisingly:pathd: agree with, and then thinking "what an idiot".
                              • Agree Agree x 3
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