I think you could pot on to a larger step-up than that. Probably from 4L to 10L, for example, and then from 10L to final pot, or one step in between if you are going to a monster pot.
Hands up! This is a issue that confuses me!! Some people I know put them into the biggest pots posible, but I'm thinking that would encourage root growth rather than plant growth. I'd always worry that too much compost around the plant could encourage root rot if swamped with too much water? Me, I generally pot up to the next size whethe roots are poking through. I have the cowardly way out of this, I plunge pots into planters and raised beds. This way the roots get down into the soil and when it comes to overwinter them , they are in ok -ish size pots to keep them in. I also like the pot within a pot method, does the same as above, and keeps the plant stable in windy conditions. But let's have a look at some blooms, this is Bernstein. I named it Podzilla on the amount of flower pods that it had on it...enjoy. I did and New Orleans Lady x Rubirosa..what a scent..like cherry pie ! Wayne
Wayne they are amazing. Wayne a little question !!! I would like to clean the base of my sanguinea and cut off all the new shoots at the base to incorage the top growing , any idea if i can germinate the small shoots?
For me Sal, I can't get Sang'a to root...I tend to overwater them, or they dry out like sticks. But, they are extra growth shoots and you could try lying a stem length ways , just pushing it into the soil. Sort of what it would do in the wild, otherwise my learned friends use those cubes to put cuttings in. Honestly, I just grow from seeds, works best for me after many years of trying. My other way of getting new plants are waiting for basal shoots from the bottom to grow way from the mother plant, and then cut them off with some root attached. Bingo!! Good luck, and experiment. Then tell me how to do it! Wayne
Speaking generally, when potting on, I tend to take into account the particular plant vigour, the time of the year and the likely weather. Potting on a plant into a largish pot when its cool and cloudy is not good, that is when they stall. At the moment you could probably get away with potting on into larger pots than normal, as the weather is ideal for growth.
Mine are all a little slow this year. I've got Sanguinea which is just budding now, a single pink and a double pink. Also picked up a mystery one yesterday that has slightly pubescent leaves with a slight serrated edge. Here is a photo of last years single pink.
Thanks Joolz. I guess it will be ok, but I'm sure it's set it back a bit, which is a pain considering it was was starting to look good
I dont have much shade on my garden really so im a slave to watering a lot of things in pots freddy im hoping to be pottish free in 2 yrs x
Worth rigging up some scaffolders debris netting for some shade? Probably only availably on 25M rolls ... I can sent you a couple of metres if that's all you need?
Believe it or not, but I've never had a seedling cross flower, I normally am too impatient and go for cuttings, but Alan's S.Arborea x H.Elinor has flowered. I know Alan would be dissapointed to see no colour, but I think it's a cutey.Anyway it's special,it's from a mate and it's first seedling cross..Here she is I'm waiting for the scent to come through as she has only opened this evening. I'll let you know Wayne. p.s This watering malarky is knackering isn't it!!
Thanks kristen,ive moved them up near the house today,no clouds seem to forming much just lately i can put the brugs on the front garden which is mostly shaded till noon..do they prefer morning or afternoon sun thou?? xx
Joolz, the common thinking is that Brugs prefer morning sun and a semi shaded position for afternoon sun. BUT, like anything some Brugs can take sun all day, some not. If in pots, just have fun experimenting with different positions in your garden. If you are wanting brugs in the front garden covered mostly in shade, then think about having the cold species there, Sangs, Arboreas which naturally like these conditions. Wayne