Active ingredient Abermectin, I've been buying it in those premixed spays, but it works out very expensive that way.
It still doesn't work out cheap.... "This listing is for the purchase of 10ml of product which should be diluted in 8 litres of water for the effect control of two spotted spider mite! "
Yeah, since you put it like that, it's not so bad Obviously, I/we will need to sort out a way to make up small quantities...
I think I'd be looking for something that will measure 0.5 mls, which would be enough to make up 0.4 ltrs, which would be plenty.
I have 3 cuttigs that sal kindly sent me last autumn which i think are doing well,ive had some yellowing leaves but new leaf is always growing and i have the makings of a flower head coming on one i thinkwil take some photos soon as rain stops x No signs of red spider mites but i do stock neem oil..prob why i have no close friends
I have one which has no sign of growth yet it is still green under the bark - should I compost it yet?
The flower buds hang down like pendants ... and the moment they start appearing you'll notice loads more - at every stem junction (the ones further up the stem will be smaller, so you may not notice them at first). Hopefully that's what your "flower head" looks like? (its just that "flower head" doesn't sound quite like the right description for how they appear, but hopefully I've just picked up the wrong end of the stick, as usual )
Depends I suppose. Compared to a once-a-fortnight, or less, systemic insecticide then "yes". However, I have found it very effective. I've no knowledge that it is illegal - other than the fact that it won't have had L50 trials, and thus is not licensed ... bit like Garlic spray in that regard
I've got a few like that too. I have repotted and noticed the roots looked strong and healthy. So I've hung onto them just in case, but it's my first time over-wintering them so I don't have experience. I've got one that has sent up new shoots from the root so there is always hope.