That's why i've used resin glue Ta for everyone's concerns Copper recognised the registration, said he was a very naughty local scumbag (well, not in those words )
Thats a real bummer Zigs. Good to hear you have your stuff back, hopefully the (insert suitable expletive here) get just deserts. Trouble is, as has been said, the system is too soft on them. I 'appen to know a few lads, who would like nothing more than a trip SW, if you get my drift
Oh Zigs I am so sorry to hear of your troubles, but so pleased you got your stuff back.! Good neighbours are hard to come by so you are a very lucky chap.. There have been burglaries similar around here too Zigs, but they have not recovered much of the stuff though.. I had 2 mowers taken and a petrol brush cutter nicked never to be seen again.. !! Grrrr... Oh yes of course summer hol's from Uni for Willow.. Say "Hi"to her from me. I hope life is good with her and she is enjoying the summer..
Arghhhh, you are going to get me started I have never understood how 'anybody' can think it's acceptable to take what others have worked and paid for. It's 'more' than a disgrace. The thing that I find worrying, is that it is more common than you may think, and some seem to be quite ordinary everyday public. I once did a car boot sale with my now 'ex wife'. We had some quite expensive items to sell, and a car full of loads of stuff that belonged to mum. After we had finished, I asked her how much we had got for the cut glass tankards, and some of the china. Neither of us had sold them. I just had to put it down to experience, and learnt not to have so much trust in people. Our following boot sales were conducted very differently. I hope your experience has a happy ending. All too often they get away with it.
Plod don't start his shift til then, probably be arrested for being drunk in charge of an offensive wife
No idea how I missed this thread! Sorry to hear your news mate - sounds as though Mr Plod will come good and the scroat will get his comeuppance.
Don't turn left when you go through the door as that's to the Cells..........and you haven't been to the Pub yet!
Got me rods back and me beach tent, didn't realise they'd nicked that Had to sit in the interview room for a bit, so we played out an episode of the Bill
At least you got the right stuff, I once had the local PCSO call with a fork and a hoe, proudly announcing he'd recovered my stolen spade and rake.